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UTC Course Reviews

University of Tennessee Chattanooga

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDUC 5640Practicum for Literacy Instruction00000
EDUC 3510Science Concepts and Perspectives00000
EDUC 3300Academic and Behavioral Evaluation00000
EDUC 3230Literacy II: Instruction for Elementary Learners (2nd-5th Gr...00000
EDUC 3190Behavior Intervention Planning00000
EDUC 3150Methods in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Ed...00000
EDUC 3050CTE Teaching and Assessment00000
EDUC 2200Survey of Exceptional Learners00000
EDUC 2100LStrategies for Early Learners Laboratory00000
EDUC 2040CTE Portfolio Course00000
EDUC 2000Investigations of the School in Society00000
EDUC 5940Linguistics for the English as a Second Language Educator00000
EDUC 5920Advanced Readings and History of English as Second Language00000
EDUC 5750Educational Technology00000
EDUC 3600Foundations in Teaching English as a Second Language00000
EDUC 5210Human Development Applied to Education00000
EDUC 5150Assessment and Learning00000
EDUC 5030RCurrent Topics in Education00000
EDUC 4999ESL Practicum00000
EDUC 4997RResearch00000
EDUC 4995RDepartmental Thesis00000
EDUC 4600Strategies for Assessing Elementary Education Children00000
EDUC 4540Teaching Strategies And Materials In Secodary And Middle Gra...00000
EDUC 4500Teaching Strategies and Materials in Secondary and Middle Gr...00000
EDUC 4460Student Teaching In Middle Grades Education00000
EDUC 4450Student Teaching In Exceptional Learning00000
EDUC 4440Student Teaching in Music, Visual Arts, Exercise Science, He...00000
EDUC 4510Teaching Strategies and Materials in Secondary and Middle Gr...00000
EDUC 5998RResearch00000
EDUC 5960Induction Experience00000
EDUC 5922Advanced Strategies and Methods: Teaching English to Speaker...00000
EDUC 5900Culminating Experience00000
EDUC 5630Literacy Instuction for Middle/High School Learners00000
EDUC 5220Instructional Planning and Evaluation00000
EDUC 5160Introduction To Curriculum00000
EDUC 5120Learning and Education00000
EDUC 5010Methods of Educational Research00000
EDUC 4998Individual Studies00000
EDUC 4995Departmental Thesis00000
EDUC 4830Teaching Experience00000
EDUC 4580Readings and History: Teaching English as a Second Language00000
EDUC 4405Residency II in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhoo...00000
EDUC 4470Student Teaching in Foreign Language Education00000
EDUC 4455Residency II in Exceptional Learning00000
EDUC 4440RStudent Teaching in Music, Visual Arts, Exercise Science, He...00000
EDUC 4430Student Teaching In Secondary Schools00000
EDUC 4400Student Teaching In Early Childhood Education00000
EDUC 4330Designing Instruction and Evaluation in the Secondary Classr...00000
EDUC 4300Gifted and Talented Children and Adults00000
EDUC 4250Procedures for Individuals with Physical and Multiple Disabi...00000
EDUC 4220Intermediate Grades and Middle School00000
EDUC 4170Technology and Learning00000
EDUC 4100LStrategies For Early Learners Laboratory00000
EDUC 3950Guidance and Management in Inclusive Elementary Classrooms00000
EDUC 4150Instructional Technology for the Adolescent Exceptional Stud...00000
EDUC 4850Orientation to Schools for Counselors00000
EDUC 4590Strategies and Methods of Teaching English as a Second Langu...00000
EDUC 4520Teaching Strategies and Materials in Secondary and Middle Gr...00000
EDUC 4485Residency II in Elementary Education and ESL00000
EDUC 4465Residency II in Middle Grades00000
EDUC 4445Residency II in Visual and Performing Arts, Health and Physi...00000
EDUC 4435Residency II in Secondary Schools00000
EDUC 4420Professional Seminar00000
EDUC 4350Assessment and IEP Development in Special Education00000
EDUC 4310Teaching Strategies and Materials in Foreign Language00000
EDUC 4280Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder00000
EDUC 4230The Middle Grades: Assessment and Instruction00000
EDUC 4180Middle Grades Organization Curriculum and Instruction00000
EDUC 4997Research00000
EDUC 4100Strategies For Early Learners00000
EDUC 3900Field Experience00000
EDUC 3700Language and Culture00000
EDUC 3520Social Studies Topics, Concepts and Perspectives00000
EDUC 3350Diversity in the Schools00000
EDUC 3250Nature and Characteristics of the Individual with Moderate a...00000
EDUC 3210Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas00000
EDUC 3170Designing Instruction for the Inclusive Classroom00000
EDUC 3090Young Exceptional Learners: Characteristics and Needs00000
EDUC 2420Adolescent Development00000
EDUC 2100Strategies for Early Learners00000
EDUC 2050CTE Occupational Program Course00000
EDUC 2150Methods in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Ed...00000
EDUC 4335Designing Instruction and Assessment00000
EDUC 4320Residency I00000
EDUC 4260Instructional Procedures for Individuals with Moderate Sever...00000
EDUC 4140Classroom Management00000
EDUC 4000Survey of Exceptional Learners00000
EDUC 3800Strategies and Methods for Teaching ESL (Birth to 5th Grade)00000
EDUC 3530Concepts of Language Literacy: Acquisition, Development, and...00000
EDUC 3500Teaching Strategies and Materials in Elementary Grades Mathe...00000
EDUC 3300LAcademic and Behavioral Evaluation Lab00000
EDUC 3220Literacy I: Instruction for Emergent Learners (Birth-1st Gra...00000
EDUC 3180Methods in Special Education00000
EDUC 3130Teaching Language Arts In The Elementary School00000
EDUC 2999RGroup Studies00000
EDUC 2000RInvestigations of the School in Society00000
EDUC 2090Introduction To Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Educ...00000
EDUC 2010Education In The United States00000
EDUC 1999RThe First Year Experience00000
EDUC 5997RIndividual Studies00000
EDUC 5923Advanced Strategies and Methods: Teaching English to Speaker...00000
EDUC 5921Language and Culture00000
EDUC 5710Principles Of Instructional Design And Development00000
EDUC 5620Literacy Instruction for Elementary School Learners, Grades...00000
EDUC 5200Social and Historical Foundations of Education00000
EDUC 5140Teaching in Diverse Classrooms00000
EDUC 5080Collaboration and Consultation00000
EDUC 4999RGroup Studies00000