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UTC Course Reviews

University of Tennessee Chattanooga

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 1010Mathematics in the Modern World44331
MATH 1130College Algebra23241
MATH 4010Basic Concepts of Geometry00000
MATH 4170Nonparametric Statistics00000
MATH 3510Introduction to Analysis I00000
MATH 3100Applied Statistics00000
MATH 2550Multivariable Calculus00000
MATH 2300Mathematical Models, Functions, and Applications00000
MATH 2150Mathematics for Elementary & Middle School Teachers I00000
MATH 1999RHow to Learn Math in the Modern World00000
MATH 1830Calculus for Management, Life, and Social Sciences00000
MATH 1710Precalculus I00000
MATH 7950RDoctoral Research00000
MATH 7160Computational Statistics00000
MATH 5997RIndividual Studies00000
MATH 5900Special Project In Mathematics00000
MATH 5620Numeric Solutions of Partial Differential Equations I00000
MATH 5570Complex Analysis00000
MATH 5500Introduction to Analysis II00000
MATH 5450Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 5280Analytic Number Theory00000
MATH 5250Modern Algebra I00000
MATH 5190Design Of Experiments00000
MATH 5160Applied Statistical Methods00000
MATH 5131Statistical Computation And Programming00000
MATH 5210Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory00000
MATH 7997RIndividual Studies00000
MATH 7560Asymptotic Analysis00000
MATH 5998RResearch00000
MATH 5920Graduate Internship in Mathematics00000
MATH 5700Techniques Of Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 5600Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 5590Functional Analysis00000
MATH 5530Calculus of Variations00000
MATH 5460Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 5310Operations Research (Linear)00000
MATH 5260Modern Algebra II00000
MATH 4998Individual Studies00000
MATH 5170Nonparametric Statistics00000
MATH 5140Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 5050Introduction to Point Set Topology00000
MATH 4999RApplied Knot Theory00000
MATH 4995Departmental Thesis00000
MATH 4700Techniques of Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 4530Calculus of Variations00000
MATH 4450Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 4310Operations Research I00000
MATH 4280Analytic Number Theory00000
MATH 4250Modern Algebra I00000
MATH 4270Elementary Number Theory00000
MATH 5270Elementary Number Theory00000
MATH 5220Advanced Matrix Theory00000
MATH 5180Analysis of Variance00000
MATH 5150Introduction to Biostatistics00000
MATH 5130Introduction to Probability and Statistics00000
MATH 4999Analysis of Variance00000
MATH 4997RResearch00000
MATH 4720Introduction to Graph Theory00000
MATH 4570Complex Analysis00000
MATH 4460Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 4320Operations Research II00000
MATH 5320Operations Research (Nonlinear)00000
MATH 4200Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory00000
MATH 4160Applied Statistical Methods00000
MATH 4050Introduction to Point Set Topology00000
MATH 3820Communicating Mathematics00000
MATH 3250Introduction to Modern Algebra00000
MATH 3000Introduction to Logic and Proof00000
MATH 2450Introduction to Differential and Difference Equations00000
MATH 2200Elementary Linear Algebra00000
MATH 2030Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science00000
MATH 1950Calculus with Analytic Geometry I00000
MATH 1730Combined Precalculus00000
MATH 2100Introductory Statistics00000
MATH 4995RDepartmental Thesis00000
MATH 4600Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 4510Introduction to Analysis II00000
MATH 4350Mathematics of Finance00000
MATH 4300Mathematics of Interest00000
MATH 4140Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 4130Introduction to Probability and Statistics00000
MATH 4000The Historical Development of Mathematics00000
MATH 3310Introduction to Mathematical Programming00000
MATH 2560Calculus with Analytic Geometry III00000
MATH 2160Mathematics for Elementary & Middle School Teachers II00000
MATH 5010RBasic Concepts of Geometry00000
MATH 1960Calculus with Analytic Geometry II00000
MATH 1720Precalculus II00000
MATH 7999RDoctoral Dissertation00000
MATH 7640Numerical Linear Algebra00000
MATH 5999RThesis00000
MATH 5910RApplied Knot Theory00000
MATH 5720Graph Theory00000
MATH 5610Numerical Analysis II00000
MATH 5560Real Analysis00000
MATH 5480Applied Mathematics For Science And Engineering II00000