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UTC Course Reviews

University of Tennessee Chattanooga

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSY 1010Introduction to Psychology45441
PSY 5360Practicum in I-O Psychology00000
PSY 3130Cognitive Science00000
PSY 3100Comparative Psychology00000
PSY 2230Psychology of Aging00000
PSY 2070Psychology as a Profession00000
PSY 2020Research Methods in Psychology00000
PSY 5997RIndividual Studies00000
PSY 5520Advanced Statistical Methods II00000
PSY 5406Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology00000
PSY 3220Medicine and Disease: A Cross-Cultural Perspective00000
PSY 5260Organizational Development and Change Management00000
PSY 5210Occupational and Organizational Health00000
PSY 5130Statistics and Research Methods in Psychology II00000
PSY 5060Industrial/Organizational Psychology00000
PSY 4999Statistics and Research Methods in Psychology I00000
PSY 4998RIndividual Studies00000
PSY 4997RResearch00000
PSY 4700Psychology of Religion00000
PSY 4480Theories of Personality00000
PSY 4998Individual Studies00000
PSY 5998RResearch00000
PSY 5950RPsychology of Fear, Anxiety & Stress00000
PSY 5500Strategic I-O Psychology and Human Resource Management00000
PSY 5370RPracticum in Psychological Science00000
PSY 5270Job/Work Analysis and Personnel Selection00000
PSY 5200The Uses of Groups in Work Organizations00000
PSY 5140Advanced Research Design00000
PSY 5100Statistics and Research Methods in Psychology I00000
PSY 5020Teaching of Psychology00000
PSY 4250Psychology and Law00000
PSY 4995Departmental Thesis00000
PSY 4610Philosophical Psychology00000
PSY 4310Advanced Social Psychology00000
PSY 4080Contemporary Psychotherapies00000
PSY 3600Ape Language and Cognition00000
PSY 3580RModern Psychological Studies00000
PSY 3560Fieldwork/Research/Service Learning in Applied Psychology00000
PSY 3400Applied Developmental Psychology00000
PSY 3570RPracticum in Teaching Psychology00000
PSY 5040Qualitative Methods for Applied Research and Evaluation00000
PSY 4999RDrugs and Behavior00000
PSY 4997Research00000
PSY 4995RDepartmental Thesis00000
PSY 4600Systems of Psychology00000
PSY 4510Psychology of Women00000
PSY 4120Advanced Seminar for Psychological Processes00000
PSY 4060Industrial/Organizational Psychology00000
PSY 3590Psychology Camp Training00000
PSY 5120Job and Performance Measurement00000
PSY 3560RFieldwork/Research/Service Learning in Applied Psychology00000
PSY 3350Positive Psychology00000
PSY 3180Principles of Neuropsychology00000
PSY 3120Sensation and Perception00000
PSY 3110Learning and Motivation00000
PSY 2420Psychology of Black Experience00000
PSY 2220The Psychology of Adolescence/Adult00000
PSY 2040Statistics in Psychology Laboratory00000
PSY 2210The Psychology of Child Development00000
PSY 3999RPsychology of Language00000
PSY 3580Modern Psychological Studies00000
PSY 3570Practicum in Teaching Psychology00000
PSY 3450Psychological Tests and Measurements00000
PSY 3310Social Psychology00000
PSY 3140Biological Psychology00000
PSY 3080Principles of Abnormal Psychology00000
PSY 2410Psychology of Individual Differences00000
PSY 2010Introductory Statistics in Psychology00000
PSY 2020LResearch Methods in Psychology Laboratory00000
PSY 5999RThesis00000
PSY 5960RSocial & Emotional Development00000
PSY 5510Advanced Topics in Psychological Statistics00000
PSY 5400Trends and Myths in Industrial-Organizational Psychology Sci...00000
PSY 5300Understanding the Psychology underlying Total Rewards00000
PSY 5250Essential Business and Analytics Skills for I-O Psychology P...00000
PSY 5160Human Resources Training00000