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UTC Course Reviews

University of Tennessee Chattanooga

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SPAN 1010Elementary Spanish I43351
SPAN 3210Advanced Spanish Grammar and Writing I00000
SPAN 3999Creative Writing in Spanish00000
SPAN 4020Latin American Existentialisms00000
SPAN 4050Romance Philology00000
SPAN 4995Departmental Thesis00000
SPAN 4999RGroup Studies00000
SPAN 2110Intermediate Spanish for Conversation I00000
SPAN 3110Spanish Composition and Conversation I00000
SPAN 3310Masterpieces of Spanish Literature00000
SPAN 3250Introduction to Latin American Culture00000
SPAN 3400Spanish Internship00000
SPAN 3999RGroup Studies: Spanish Film00000
SPAN 4010RLingustica de la lengua espanola00000
SPAN 4030Cervantes: Don Quijote De La Mancha00000
SPAN 4995RDepartmental Thesis00000
SPAN 4998Individual Studies: Early Modern Literature: A Transatlantic...00000
SPAN 3450RAdvanced Conversation00000
SPAN 1020Elementary Spanish II00000
SPAN 3220Advanced Spanish Grammar and Writing II00000
SPAN 3120Spanish Composition and Conversation II00000
SPAN 2130Intermediate Spanish for Reading I00000
SPAN 4999Group Studies00000
SPAN 4998RIndividual Studies00000
SPAN 4400Spanish Internship for Teachers00000
SPAN 4020RAfro-Hispanic Literature and Culture00000
SPAN 4010Imagining Hispanic Women00000
SPAN 3998RIndividual Studies00000
SPAN 3320Masterpieces of Latin American Literature00000
SPAN 3230Introduction to Spanish Culture00000
SPAN 3130Introduction to Textual Analysis and Composition00000
SPAN 2140Intermediate Spanish for Reading II00000
SPAN 2120Intermediate Spanish for Conversation II00000