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UTK Course Reviews

University of Tennessee

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BCMB 401Biochemistry I12321
BCMB 416Neurobiology Laboratory00000
BCMB 493Independent Study00000
BCMB 482Physiology of Exercise00000
BCMB 471Biophysical Chemistry00000
BCMB 457Honors Thesis00000
BCMB 452Independent Research in BCMB00000
BCMB 433Analytical Techniques in Human Disease00000
BCMB 423Neural Basis of Behavior00000
BCMB 420Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular B...00000
BCMB 511Advanced Protein Chemistry and Cellular Biology00000
BCMB 412Molecular Biology and Genomics00000
BCMB 405Biophysical Chemistry00000
BCMB 402Biochemistry II00000
BCMB 333Structural Biology and Human Health00000
BCMB 322Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology Lab00000
BCMB 320Physiology of Reproduction and Lactation00000
BCMB 502Registration for Use of Facilities00000
BCMB 615Special Topics in Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biol...00000
BCMB 515Experimental Techniques I00000
BCMB 518Biophysical Chemistry00000
BCMB 523Plant Growth and Development00000
BCMB 550Advanced Concepts in Neurobiology00000
BCMB 562Introduction to Electron Microscopy of Biological Materials00000
BCMB 591Foreign Study00000
BCMB 593Independent Study00000
BCMB 600Doctoral Research and Dissertation00000
BCMB 603Graduate Research Colloquium00000
BCMB 606Journal Club in Structural Biology/Biochemistry00000
BCMB 608Journal Club in Genetics/Developmental Biology00000
BCMB 610Cur Top: Comput. Biol. JC00000
BCMB 614Journal Club in the Responsible Conduct of Research00000
BCMB 623Adv Plant Growth/Development00000
BCMB 510Computational Structural Biochemistry00000
BCMB 311Advanced Cellular Biology00000
BCMB 321Introductory Plant Physiology00000
BCMB 330Mechanisms of Development00000
BCMB 403Neurogenetics Laboratory00000
BCMB 409Perspectives in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biol...00000
BCMB 415Foundations in Neurobiology00000
BCMB 419Cellular and Comparative Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BCMB 422Computational Biology and Bioinformatics00000
BCMB 424Programming for Statistical and Graphical Analysis of Biolog...00000
BCMB 440General Physiology00000
BCMB 455Scientific Communication00000
BCMB 461Cancer Biology00000
BCMB 481Biophysical Chemistry00000
BCMB 492Off-Campus Study00000
BCMB 500Thesis00000
BCMB 230Human Physiology00000
BCMB 512Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BCMB 516Experimental Techniques II00000
BCMB 520Neurobiology Lab00000
BCMB 525Graduate Research Participation00000
BCMB 530Experimental Design and Analysis00000
BCMB 560Adv Cncpts:Light Microscopy&Im00000
BCMB 564Intro/Scanning Electron Micro00000
BCMB 592Off-Campus Study00000
BCMB 598Biology Edu: Theory/Practice00000
BCMB 601Departmental Seminar00000
BCMB 605Jour Clb: Neurobiology00000
BCMB 607Journal Club in Cellular/Molecular Biology00000
BCMB 609Journal Club in Plant Biology00000
BCMB 612Adv Top: Environ Toxicology00000
BCMB 200Introduction to Research in BCMB00000