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UTK Course Reviews

University of Tennessee

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 141Calculus I43351
MATH 142Calculus II21131
MATH 123Finite Mathematics22321
MATH 636Advanced Partial Differential Equations II00000
MATH 599Sem: Math Presentations00000
MATH 645Advanced Analysis I00000
MATH 651Advanced Modern Algebra I00000
MATH 661Modern Topology I00000
MATH 662Modern Topology II00000
MATH 667Modern Geometry I00000
MATH 673Adv Top: Num Part Dif Equa I00000
MATH 681Advanced Topics in Mathematical Biology I00000
MATH 113Mathematical Reasoning00000
MATH 131Calculus 1A Infused with Precalculus00000
MATH 151Mathematics for the Life Sciences I00000
MATH 200Matrix Computations00000
MATH 237Honors: Differential Equations I00000
MATH 251Matrix Algebra I00000
MATH 299Studies in Mathematics00000
MATH 309Putnam Preparation Seminar00000
MATH 561Topology I00000
MATH 523Probability I00000
MATH 526Statistics II00000
MATH 531Ordinary Differential Equations I00000
MATH 535Partial Differential Equations I00000
MATH 536Partial Differential Equations II00000
MATH 545Real Analysis00000
MATH 549Sem: Analysis00000
MATH 550Linear Algebra for Teachers00000
MATH 555Number Theory I00000
MATH 623Advanced Probabilty I00000
MATH 568Riemannian Geometry II00000
MATH 569Sem: Topology/Geometry00000
MATH 574Finite Element Methods00000
MATH 579Seminar in Numerical Mathematics00000
MATH 582Mathematical Biology II00000
MATH 589Sem: Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 593Independent Study00000
MATH 351Introduction to Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 598Graduate Reading in Mathematics00000
MATH 539Seminar in Differential Equations00000
MATH 547Applied Linear Analysis00000
MATH 552Modern Algebra II00000
MATH 559Sem: Algebra00000
MATH 567Riemannian Geometry I00000
MATH 572Numerical Mathematics II00000
MATH 578Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 583Mathematical Evolut Theory00000
MATH 590Sem: Teaching Math 11300000
MATH 534Calculus of Variations00000
MATH 619Seminar in Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 635Adv Partial Differ Equat I00000
MATH 642Functional Analysis II00000
MATH 649Sem: Analysis00000
MATH 659Sem: Algebra00000
MATH 664Algebraic Topology II00000
MATH 669Sem: Topology/Geometry00000
MATH 679Seminar in Numerical Mathematics00000
MATH 495Math Proficiency00000
MATH 399Studies in Mathematics00000
MATH 411Mathematical Modeling00000
MATH 424Stochastic Processes00000
MATH 443Complex Variables00000
MATH 448Honors: Analysis II00000
MATH 453Matrix Algebra II00000
MATH 462Differential Geometry00000
MATH 472Numerical Algebra00000
MATH 520Internship00000
MATH 499Sem: Number Theory00000
MATH 505Analysis for Teachers00000
MATH 511Methods in Applied Mathematics I00000
MATH 515Analytical Applied Math I00000
MATH 519Sem: Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 522Enumerative Combinatorics II00000
MATH 525Statistics I00000
MATH 529Sem: Stochastics00000
MATH 546Complex Analysis00000
MATH 502Registration for Use of Facilities00000
MATH 507Probability/Stats/Teachers00000
MATH 514Math Princ/Fluid Mechan II00000
MATH 517Mathematical Methods in Physics I00000
MATH 521Enumerative Combinatorics I00000
MATH 524Probability II00000
MATH 527Stochastic Modeling00000
MATH 532Ordinary Differential Equations II00000
MATH 537Math Princ/Continuum Mech I00000
MATH 498Senior Honors Thesis00000
MATH 551Modern Algebra I00000
MATH 556Number Theory II00000
MATH 562Topology II00000
MATH 571Numerical Mathematics I00000
MATH 577Optimization00000
MATH 581Mathematical Biology I00000
MATH 585Optimal Control Theory00000
MATH 597Graduate Student Seminar in Mathematical Research00000
MATH 397Junior Honors Seminar00000
MATH 130Precalculus I00000
MATH 148Honors: Calculus II00000
MATH 171Computer Literacy for Mathematics00000
MATH 231Differential Equations I00000
MATH 247Honors: Calculus III00000
MATH 295Introduction to Mathematical Sciences00000
MATH 307Honors: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics00000
MATH 341Intro to Analysis00000
MATH 600Doctoral Research and Dissertation00000
MATH 405Models in Biology00000
MATH 423Probability00000
MATH 435Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 447Honors: Analysis I00000
MATH 451Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 458Honors: Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH 471Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 490Readings in Mathematics00000
MATH 460Geometry00000
MATH 371Numerical Algorithms00000
MATH 398Math Honors Program00000
MATH 400History of Mathematics00000
MATH 421Combinatorics00000
MATH 425Statistics00000
MATH 431Differential Equations II00000
MATH 445Advanced Calculus I00000
MATH 450Number Theory00000
MATH 457Honors: Abstract Algebra I00000
MATH 323Probability and Statistics00000
MATH 467Honors: Topology00000
MATH 475Industrial Mathematics00000
MATH 497Undergraduate Honors Seminar00000
MATH 500Thesis00000
MATH 506Algebra for Teachers00000
MATH 509Seminar for Teachers00000
MATH 513Math Princ/Fluid Mechan I00000
MATH 516Analytical Applied Math II00000
MATH 115Statistical Reasoning00000
MATH 624Advanced Probability II00000
MATH 641Functional Analysis I00000
MATH 646Adv Analysis II00000
MATH 652Adv Modern Algebra II00000
MATH 663Algebraic Topology I00000
MATH 668Modern Geometry II00000
MATH 674Advanced Topics in Numerical Partial Differential Equations...00000
MATH 682Adv Mathematical Biology II00000
MATH 119College Algebra00000
MATH 125Basic Calculus00000
MATH 132Calculus 1B Infused with Precalculus00000
MATH 147Honors: Calculus I00000
MATH 152Mathematics for the Life Sciences II00000
MATH 205Func Mod/Sec Math Instr00000
MATH 241Calculus III00000
MATH 257Honors: Matrix Algebra I00000
MATH 300Introduction to Abstract Mathematics00000