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UTM Course Reviews

University of Tennessee at Martin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AGRI 460Agroecosystems Analy Field Sch00000
AGRI 791MR:Efficient Irrigation.......00000
AGRI 741Statistical Methods Ag/Nat Res00000
AGRI 701Master's Thesis00000
AGRI 450Dynamics & Develop Leadership00000
AGRI 415Sp Tp in Agriculture-Siena00000
AGRI 295Internatl Food & Fiber Systems00000
AGRI 250Issues in Alternative Agric00000
AGRI 180AG Transfer Student Orientatio00000
AGRI 775SpTp:PlantProductionTour NWUSA00000
AGRI 702MTH:Maturity of Cotton Varieti00000
AGRI 230Travel Study Guatemala00000
AGRI 420Supervised Field Experience00000
AGRI 401Research Participation00000
AGRI 270LAgriculture Lab00000
AGRI 240History American Agriculture00000
AGRI 771Topics in Ag Econ00000
AGRI 475Agricultural Communications00000
AGRI 441Interpretation of Ag Research00000
AGRI 411Fund Cooperative Extension00000
AGRI 390Career Planning in Agric00000
AGRI 270Intro Geospatial Technology00000