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UTM Course Reviews

University of Tennessee at Martin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANSC 305Practicum In Animal Science00000
ANSC 371LAnimal Science Lab00000
ANSC 400Internatl Studies Animal Agri00000
ANSC 405Current Issues in Animal Agri00000
ANSC 420Swine and Poultry Science00000
ANSC 440Sheep and Goat Production00000
ANSC 110Intro Animal Science00000
ANSC 210Intro Horse Science00000
ANSC 231Companion Animal Lab00000
ANSC 253Small Scale Farm Animal Prod00000
ANSC 351Animal Nutrition Lab00000
ANSC 350Animal Nutrition00000
ANSC 371Anat & Physio Domestic Animals00000
ANSC 374Appl Animal Reproduction Lab00000
ANSC 402Research Participation00000
ANSC 410Beef Cow-Calf Production00000
ANSC 421Swine Science00000
ANSC 430LAnimal Science Lab00000
ANSC 471Commercial Poultry Production00000
ANSC 413Stocker & Feedlot Cattle Prod00000
ANSC 230Exotic & Companion Animal Mgmt00000
ANSC 240LAnimal Science Lab00000
ANSC 270Animal Welfare and Ethics00000
ANSC 302SP: Broiler Production00000
ANSC 320Farm Animal Health00000
ANSC 360Animal Genetics00000
ANSC 372Applied Animal Reproduc00000
ANSC 401Research Participation00000
ANSC 410LAnimal Science Lab00000
ANSC 121Western Horsemanship00000
ANSC 430Stable Management00000
ANSC 440LAnimal Science Lab00000
ANSC 119Intro Animal Science Lab00000
ANSC 211Horse Science Lab00000
ANSC 240Live Animal/Carcass Sel & Eval00000
ANSC 260Behavior Farm & Companion Anim00000
ANSC 301Special Problems-Showmanship00000
ANSC 306Practicum In Animal Science00000