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UTM Course Reviews

University of Tennessee at Martin

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 325Advanced Printmaking00000
ART 360Clay Sculpture00000
ART 391Spec Topics Art Adv. Weaving00000
ART 410Fibers II00000
ART 445Clay Surface Design00000
ART 460Senior Thesis Exhibition00000
ART 120Two-Dimensional Design00000
ART 200Using Color00000
ART 305Photography00000
ART 350Painting II00000
ART 330Mixed Media00000
ART 345Sculpture II00000
ART 365Clay Sculpture II00000
ART 403Research Topics 3-D Studio00000
ART 435Adv Ceramics00000
ART 441Weaving00000
ART 455Figure Drawing II00000
ART 430Adv Mixed Media00000
ART 140Drawing I00000
ART 225Printmaking00000
ART 250Painting I00000
ART 327Book Arts00000
ART 335Ceramics00000
ART 355Figure Drawing I00000
ART 370Raku00000
ART 402Reseach Topics 2-D Studio00000
ART 110HHonors Understanding Art00000
ART 450Professional Pract Visual Art00000
ART 110Understanding Visual Art00000
ART 130Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 150Drawing II00000
ART 245Sculpture I00000
ART 310Fibers00000
ART 331Jewelry00000