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UToledo Course Reviews

University of Toledo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 2110Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 3910Outsider Art and Community Practice00000
ART 4010NM Interactivity Games and Virtual Worlds00000
ART 41102D Visual Perception Plein Air Painting00000
ART 4210Advanced Ceramics The Potter's Wheel00000
ART 4400BFA Thesis Exhibition00000
ART 4850Professional Practices WAC00000
ART 4950Design Project00000
ART 1050Foundations of 2D Design00000
ART 1080Foundations of Drawing I00000
ART 2020Graphic Design II00000
ART 3900Advanced Graphic Design Community Project00000
ART 2300Introduction to Painting00000
ART 3100Printmaking Monotype/Relief00000
ART 3200Sculpture 21st Century Sculptural Issues00000
ART 3400Concepts in Art, Studio and Theory00000
ART 3950NMDP Methods and Practices WAC00000
ART 4020Time, Motion, Space Motion Graphics00000
ART 4120Advanced Painting Plein Air Painting00000
ART 4300Bio-Design Challenge00000
ART 4910Independent Study Advanced Ceramics Projects00000
ART 4990Special Studies Wearable Conditions00000
ART 4410BA Thesis Project00000
ART 1070Foundations of Digital Media00000
ART 1990Special Topics in Art The Art Museum and the Art/Humanities...00000
ART 2030Introduction to Photography00000
ART 2200Introduction to Sculpture00000
ART 2800Visual Literacy-Data Visualization00000
ART 31102D Topics Advanced Drawing00000
ART 3850Gallery Practices WAC00000
ART 4000Advanced Photography Landscape00000
ART 41002D Methods Narrative Painting00000
ART 42003D Methods The Potter's Wheel00000
ART 1040Foundations of Art Studio Technology00000
ART 4940Internship00000
ART 1030Multi-Cultural Art Appreciation A Lived Game of Contemporary...00000
ART 1060Foundations of 3D Design00000
ART 1090Foundations in Drawing II00000
ART 2010Graphic Design I00000
ART 2100Life Drawing00000
ART 2210Introduction to Ceramics00000
ART 3000Photography Black & White00000
ART 3120Painting Experiments in Abstraction00000
ART 3210Ceramics Surfaces00000