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UToledo Course Reviews

University of Toledo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 3210Human Nutrition00000
BIOL 4230Comparative Animal Phys-SA00000
BIOL 4210Molecular Basis of Disease00000
BIOL 4110Human Genetics Salford00000
BIOL 4060Immunology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4050Immunology00000
BIOL 4040Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4030Microbiology00000
BIOL 3910Research Project Laboratory00000
BIOL 4250Introduction to Neurobiology00000
BIOL 3070Human Physiology00000
BIOL 3020Molecular Genetics Laboratory00000
BIOL 2180Fundamentals of Life Science Laboratory: Biomolecules, Cells...00000
BIOL 2150Fundamentals Of Life Science: Diversity Of Life, Evolution A...00000
BIOL 1120Survey Of Biology00000
BIOL 8990Advanced Readings In Biology00000
BIOL 8920Spcl Prj Biol-Biol of Viruses00000
BIOL 8100Research Methodology: Cell And Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 4330Parasitology00000
BIOL 4700Biological Literature And Communication00000
BIOL 4910UG Rsrch-Neuroscience Honors00000
BIOL 4950Internship In Biology00000
BIOL 5030Advanced Microbiology00000
BIOL 5060Advanced Immunology Laboratory00000
BIOL 6010Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 6200Advanced Signal Transduction00000
BIOL 6930Seminar In Biology00000
BIOL 6990Adv Rdg Cell Bio Drosophila00000
BIOL 7050Advanced Immunology00000
BIOL 8010Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 8200Advanced Signal Transduction00000
BIOL 8930Seminar In Biology00000
BIOL 8980Adv Tpcs Biol-Cell Biology00000
BIOL 5040Advanced Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 8300Advanced Microscopy and Imaging00000
BIOL 8090Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 7060Advanced Immunology Laboratory00000
BIOL 7030Advanced Microbiology00000
BIOL 6960Masters Thesis Research00000
BIOL 6300Advanced Microscopy and Imaging00000
BIOL 6090Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 5230Advanced Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BIOL 8960Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
BIOL 4980Advanced Topics In Biology00000
BIOL 4940Extr Studies Biology-Salford00000
BIOL 4790Biology Field Trip-Salford00000
BIOL 3090Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 3030Cell Biology00000
BIOL 2980Special Topics in Biology: Biomedical Research Internship00000
BIOL 2160Fundamentals Of Life Science Laboratory: Diversity Of Life,...00000
BIOL 1220Survey Of Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 2010Major Concepts In Biology00000
BIOL 2170Fundamentals of Life Science: Biomolecules, Cells, and Inher...00000
BIOL 3010Molecular Genetics00000
BIOL 3040Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3100Developmental Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 3510Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BIOL 4010Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 4990IS in MEDT Independent Study00000
BIOL 5050Advanced Immunology00000
BIOL 6000Introduction To Scientific Thought And Expression00000
BIOL 6100Research Methodology: Cell And Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 6920Spcl Prj-Biology of Viruses00000
BIOL 6980Adv Tpcs-Biology of Viruses00000
BIOL 7040Advanced Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIOL 8000Introduction To Scientific Thought And Expression00000