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UTSA Course Reviews

University of Texas San Antonio

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANT 6951Independent Study00000
ANT 3523Medical Anthropology00000
ANT 3413The Ethnographic Experience00000
ANT 3333Human Adaptability00000
ANT 3293Resrch Methods in Archaeology00000
ANT 3253Archaeology of South America00000
ANT 3203Native North Americans00000
ANT 3023Great Discoveries in Arch00000
ANT 2043Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANT 7021Doctoral Dissertation00000
ANT 7011Directed Doctoral Research00000
ANT 6992Pre-Doctoral Research00000
ANT 6982Master's Thesis00000
ANT 6961Comprehensive Examination00000
ANT 3603Sex Gender & Culture00000
ANT 6903Anthropology of Gender00000
ANT 6713Topics Primatological Research00000
ANT 6703Human Population Ecology00000
ANT 6623Sem. Analytical Meth in Arch00000
ANT 6446Supervised Research00000
ANT 6303Sem Resch Des & Prpsl Writing00000
ANT 5583Teaching Anthropology00000
ANT 5453Arch of the American Southwest00000
ANT 5313Sem Arch Research Techniques00000
ANT 5043Seminar-Lab Methods in Anthro00000
ANT 4993Honors Thesis00000
ANT 4936Internship in Anthropology00000
ANT 5483Landscape and Settlement00000
ANT 7022Doctoral Dissertation00000
ANT 7012Directed Doctoral Research00000
ANT 6993Pre-Doctoral Research00000
ANT 6983Master's Thesis00000
ANT 6973Special Problems: Footsteps00000
ANT 6952Independent Study00000
ANT 6923Primate Conservation00000
ANT 6723Sem in Cult, Environ & Conserv00000
ANT 6643Sem In Culture And Economy00000
ANT 6513Maya Civilization00000
ANT 6353Field Research:Cultural Anthro00000
ANT 5703Anthropology of Space & Place00000
ANT 4933Internship in Anthropology00000
ANT 5073Adv. Biological Anthropology00000
ANT 5023History,Method,Theory Of Arch00000
ANT 4953SS: Human Ecol Across the Age00000
ANT 4912Independent Study00000
ANT 4413Genes, Health & Ancestry00000
ANT 4273The Anthropology of Oil00000
ANT 4213Witchcraft/Magic: Anthro Persp00000
ANT 4023Histories of Anthropology00000
ANT 3933Anthropology of Superheroes00000
ANT 3853Modern Ape Behavior, Ecol,Cogn00000
ANT 3823Applied Anthropology00000
ANT 3723Ancient Civilizations00000
ANT 3963The Evolution of Sex00000
ANT 6653Spatial Techniques in Anthro00000
ANT 6603Ecological Anthropology00000
ANT 6443Supervised Field Research00000
ANT 6223Archeology-Household/Residence00000
ANT 5573Anthropology and Science00000
ANT 5283Hunters And Gatherers00000
ANT 5033Theory in Cultural Anthro00000
ANT 4983Anthropology Honors Research00000
ANT 4913Independent Study00000
ANT 4433One Health00000
ANT 4303Water, Sustainability & Health00000
ANT 4233Conservation of Primates00000
ANT 4113Archaeology Of Texas00000
ANT 6823Human-Animal Relations00000
ANT 3893Primate Behavior and Ecology00000
ANT 3843Primates of the World00000
ANT 3733Political & Legal Anthropology00000
ANT 3663Hunters and Gatherers00000
ANT 3543Museum Studies in Anthropology00000
ANT 3503Human Origins00000
ANT 3383Folklore and Folklife00000
ANT 3313Curing&Kill:Anthrop Shamanism00000
ANT 3273Civilizations of Mexico00000
ANT 3223Anthro and the Environment00000
ANT 3133Ritual & Symbol00000
ANT 2053Intro to Cultural Anthropology00000
ANT 3303Natr/Cultr in Greater Amazonia00000
ANT 4911Independent Study00000
ANT 4363Primate Evolution Biology00000
ANT 4243Ethnographic Film00000
ANT 4123Arch-American Southwest00000
ANT 4013Maya Civilization00000
ANT 3903Introduction to Linguistics00000
ANT 3883Death and Dying00000
ANT 3803Media, Power, & Public Culture00000
ANT 3713Anthro of Material Culture00000
ANT 3563Anthro of Alternative Medicine00000
ANT 3513The Human Skeleton00000
ANT 3343Pac Island Societies&Cultures00000
ANT 1013Introduction to Anthropology00000
ANT 3263Archaeology Of North America00000
ANT 3233Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries00000
ANT 3153Indians Of The Great Plains00000
ANT 2063Language, Thought & Culture00000
ANT 2033Intro:Biological Anthropology00000
ANT 7023Doctoral Dissertation00000
ANT 7013Directed Doctoral Research00000
ANT 7003Dissertation Proposal00000
ANT 6991Pre-Doctoral Research00000
ANT 6981Master's Thesis00000
ANT 6953Independent Study00000
ANT 6933Internship in Anthropology00000