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UTSA Course Reviews

University of Texas San Antonio

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 1414Biosciences II(Q)42331
BIO 1404Biosciences I (Q)42451
BIO 5143Advanced Nucleic Acids Lab54551
BIO 6233Quantitative Biology54551
BIO 3433Neurobiology43431
BIO 7211Doctoral Research00000
BIO 5613Neurodegenerative Disease00000
BIO 5743Advanced Virology00000
BIO 5971Directed Research00000
BIO 6483Animal Behavior00000
BIO 6803Adv Immunology00000
BIO 6952Independent Study00000
BIO 7041Prin: Molecular Biology QE00000
BIO 5233Medicinal Plants00000
BIO 7312Doctoral Dissertation00000
BIO 7571Research Rotation00000
BIO 1061Introductory Microbiology Lab00000
BIO 2003Biology of Human Reproduction00000
BIO 2053Human Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BIO 5483Computational Neuroscience00000
BIO 5443Molecular Neurobiology00000
BIO 3123Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BIO 5001Ethical Conduct in Research00000
BIO 4951SS:Sci Integrity Comm & Crit T00000
BIO 4911Independent Study00000
BIO 4763Parasitology00000
BIO 4743Immunology00000
BIO 4453Endocrinology00000
BIO 3743Bacteriology00000
BIO 7572Research Rotation00000
BIO 7313Doctoral Dissertation00000
BIO 7212Doctoral Research00000
BIO 7113Supervised Teaching in Biology00000
BIO 6973ST: Biochemistry of Disease00000
BIO 6953Independent Study00000
BIO 4823Cognitive Neuroscience00000
BIO 5003Epigenetics and Metabolism00000
BIO 7563Practicum in Biotechnology00000
BIO 7311Doctoral Dissertation00000
BIO 7143Principles of Bio Sci Writing00000
BIO 6983Master's Thesis00000
BIO 6951Independent Study00000
BIO 6543Vaccine Development00000
BIO 5833Membrane Structure & Function00000
BIO 5733Advanced Medical Mycology00000
BIO 5523Enzymes00000
BIO 5423Neuroanatomy00000
BIO 5213Principles of Chemical Biology00000
BIO 5133Principles of Cell Biology00000
BIO 4993Honors Research00000
BIO 4923Lab Research:Bio Concentration00000
BIO 2313Genetics00000
BIO 4752Immunology Laboratory00000
BIO 4723Virology00000
BIO 4473Adv Clinical Med & Pathology00000
BIO 4053Wildlife Biology00000
BIO 3822Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIO 3713Microbiology00000
BIO 3593Fame-Cancer00000
BIO 3553Fame-Geriatrics00000
BIO 3522Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BIO 3442Neurobiology Laboratory00000
BIO 3422Physiology Laboratory00000
BIO 3362Molecular Biochemistry Lab00000
BIO 3323Evolution00000
BIO 3273Biology of Flowering Plants00000
BIO 6313Biology of Ion Channels00000
BIO 4143Developmental Biology00000
BIO 6961Comprehensive Examination00000
BIO 6883Bacterial Pathogenesis00000
BIO 6513Drug Development00000
BIO 5973Directed Research00000
BIO 5783Good Manuf / Lab Practices00000
BIO 5663Recombinant Dna Technology00000
BIO 5543Pharmacology & Toxicology00000
BIO 5463Reproductive Biology00000
BIO 5433Systems Neuroscience00000
BIO 5183Biology Of Learning00000
BIO 5123Principles: Molecular Biology00000
BIO 4981Senior Seminar00000
BIO 4913Independent Study00000
BIO 4813Brain and Behavior00000
BIO 4583The Computational Brain00000
BIO 7051Cell/Molecular Seminar00000
BIO 4033Conservation Biology00000
BIO 3813Cell Biology00000
BIO 3663Human Embryology00000
BIO 3573Fame-Obesity/Nutrition00000
BIO 3543Fame-Behavioral Health00000
BIO 3513Biochemistry00000
BIO 3413Physiology00000
BIO 3343Plant Cell Biology00000
BIO 3292Principles of Ecology Lab00000
BIO 3263The Woody Plants00000
BIO 2362Molecular Genetics Laboratory00000
BIO 2063Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIO 2051Human Anatomy & Phys Lab I00000
BIO 1951Lab for Introductory Biology00000
BIO 1243Contemporary Biology II00000
BIO 3722Microbiology Laboratory00000
BIO 1053Introductory Microbiology00000
BIO 5972Directed Research00000
BIO 5762Fund of Immunology for Biotech00000
BIO 5643Bioinformatics & Computational00000
BIO 5493Cognitive Neuroscience00000
BIO 5343Protein and Nucleic Acids00000
BIO 5163Recom Protein Biotech Lab00000
BIO 5033Biotechnology Laboratory00000
BIO 4953ST: Neural Data Science00000
BIO 4912Independent Study00000
BIO 4783Microbial Genetics&Physiology00000
BIO 4643Medicinal Plants00000
BIO 4483Medical Mycology00000
BIO 4063Ornithology00000
BIO 3913Molecular Biology00000
BIO 6573Microbial Pathogenesis00000
BIO 3623Neuropsychopharmacology00000
BIO 3563Fame-Maternal Health/Pediatric00000
BIO 3533Fame-Biophysics00000
BIO 3453Neuroscience and Our Future00000
BIO 3382SRI Peer Mentor00000
BIO 3333Plants and Society00000
BIO 3283Principles of Ecology00000
BIO 3213Animal Behavior00000
BIO 2953ST: Bioinformatic with Python00000
BIO 2322Genetics Laboratory00000
BIO 2061Human Anatomy & Phys Lab II00000
BIO 2043Nutrition00000
BIO 1233Contemporary Biology I(Q)00000
BIO 1033Drugs and Society(Q)00000
BIO 7213Doctoral Research00000