Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
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Prof: Tom Scully / Spring 2022
Jun 3, 2022
This will be useful when actually working in science -
how to read scientific papers, how to assess accuracy and if the researchers correctly interpreted data. Good data vs bad data/interpretation. How to link biology and chemistry data, what's actually going on at the microscopic level.
Online lectures bc prof is based elsewhere but very good at his job so he teaches while travelling. He's good at being available in office hours for live q's, and once a week LIVE zoom class for discussion groups.
Give yourself more time than you think to read over the weekly papers before discussion day - some of the info is pretty dense.
Class Ratings
Prof: Tom Scully / Spring 2021
Sep 10, 2021
Good. See comments on prof.
Dr. Scully was pretty solid as a prof, although somewhat inexperienced. Lectures were good and for the most part clear although he did talk really quickly which was challenging to follow along to. There was MANY spelling and grammar errors in his exams and assignments that were at times difficult to translate, and some exam questions were strange. While the content was relatively straightforward IMO, some of the obscure questions made applying it more challenging in some cases. I do attribute this to Dr. Scully's teaching style and it may be a different scenario with a different prof. The grade was pretty fairly split between assignments, exams, and quizzes.
If you have a strong bio/biochem background the course isn't too challenging. The biggest struggle I am aware people had was an insufficient bio background.
Class Ratings
Prof: Tom Scully / Winter 2021
Apr 6, 2021
Learn about cool potentially useful stuff, don't actually get to do any of it. Fairly easy class.
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