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3.7Good Class
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Francois Bastien / Winter 2020

Mar 22, 2021

Comments on the course

I attended all lectures, they were all interesting, but I can see that attendance isn't necessary. The textbook is recommended, but you don't really need it. I got the textbook, it's interesting, but I think you can do fine in the class without it. There are 3 assignments and one final project that are group projects. For individuals, there is one midterm and one final. I thought the individual was pretty straightforward.


If people in your group aren't working, contact the prof ASAP (preferably before marking). I made the mistake of not contacting the prof earlier, but the prof was very helpful when I explained my situation (2/4 of my group wasn't working and I and another person had to work on a 4 person paper ourselves...).

Grade: A-Attendance: Non-MandatoryTextbook Use: Optional

Class Ratings

3.3OK Class
2Barely Useful

Prof: Sanghoon Nam / Summer 2019

Mar 19, 2021

Comments on the course

Took this class as a comp study for SENG. Overall, this class was pretty interesting, but I'd definitely take it with Sanghoon over any others as he's a great speaker and made the lectures pretty interesting. The material itself is interesting but not all that useful, though thankfully it's not hard to get either. There's a group project which is worth a decent chunk of the grade (in my term it was a video documentary) and there's assignments where you're tasked with reading a paper and writing a brief paper on what your thoughts were, etc. Then in lecture you get into groups and discuss what you wrote with other people. It's very easy to get an A- or higher, but I do feel like an A+ would require some significant effort.

Grade: A-Attendance: MandatoryTextbook Use: No

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