Digital Communication and Social Media
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Prof: Sara Humphreys / Winter 2019
Jun 29, 2021
I did not enjoy this course or take very much useful information from it. Since it is part of the professional communication minor, I thought that this course would have a lot of practical information about creating social media campaigns and operating social media accounts as part of the work of a communications manager. Instead, most of this course was spent discussing cerebral concepts such as methods of discourse, the overall sexist and racist nature of the online world, and delving into the professor's personal politics. The assignments were very different from any other I've done for courses in the professional communication minor, as they were more traditionally academic than the hands-on, practical type of assignments that I was used to. I wrote some kind of academic analysis of an...read more
My best advice is honestly to not take this course if you can possibly avoid it. Perhaps the course has changed since I took it, though. I achieved good grades in this course (despite not giving a damn about it) by writing clearly and having high-level concepts for my assignments.
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