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UVic Course Reviews

University of Victoria

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDCI305ADrama Education as a Medium for Learning I55551
EDCI490Transformative Inquiry2.35111
EDCI428Adapting Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction00000
EDCI330Elementary Field Experience Seminar II00000
EDCI301Language and Literacies Pedagogy00000
EDCI136Learning in an Open and Connected World00000
EDCI797Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Information and Communication Technology00000
EDCI767Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Science00000
EDCI746Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School French00000
EDCI706Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Art00000
EDCI494Directed Studies00000
EDCI476Organization and Instruction in French Immersion00000
EDCI466Scientific and Technological Literacy00000
EDCI457English Language Learning00000
EDCI453Ecology for Teachers00000
EDCI443Personalizing and Differentiating Instruction in Literacy00000
EDCI434Sociological Foundations of Education00000
EDCI338Social Media and Personalized Learning00000
EDCI413Pedagogy for Science Education00000
EDCI405Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary or Middle School Math00000
EDCI402Reading Instructional Principles and Strategies00000
EDCI355Literature for Young Adults00000
EDCI340Media Activism, Social Justice, and Educational Change00000
EDCI337Interactive and Multimedia Learning00000
EDCI335Learning Design00000
EDCI316Pedagogy for Music Education I00000
EDCI313Pedagogy for Drama Education00000
EDCI311Studio Guitar Class: I00000
EDCI308Studio Piano Class II00000
EDCI757Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Mathematics00000
EDCI780Secondary Field Experience Seminar00000
EDCI749General Methods of Second Language Teaching00000
EDCI496Professional Communication for Personal Success00000
EDCI477Designs for Learning in French Immersion00000
EDCI474Rural Education00000
EDCI464Learning Through Drama00000
EDCI456Community Development Project00000
EDCI452Cultural Studies in Education00000
EDCI447Principles of Teaching English Language Learning00000
EDCI433Anthropology and Education00000
EDCI415Pedagogy for Mathematics Education00000
EDCI303Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Canadian Education00000
EDCI250Elementary Field Experience Seminar I00000
EDCI773Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Social Sciences00000
EDCI307AArt in the Elementary or Middle Classroom I00000
EDCI716Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Theatre00000
EDCI495Directed Studies00000
EDCI487Special Topics in Education00000
EDCI469Teaching Oral French00000
EDCI455The Evolution of Educational Ideas: Philosophy, History and the Classroom00000
EDCI448Organization and Procedures for Instruction of English to Second Language Learners00000
EDCI441Supporting Learners Experiencing Difficulties with Literacy I00000
EDCI431Philosophical Foundations of Education00000
EDCI414Pedagogy for Social Studies Education00000
EDCI410Literacy in the Digital Age00000
EDCI403Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary or Middle School Science00000
EDCI356Expanding Notions of Text00000
EDCI347Children's and Young Adult Literature00000
EDCI 581Research Methodologies in Education00000
EDCI 699PhD Dissertation Curriculum and Instruction00000
EDCI 681Advanced Research Design00000
EDCI 599Thesis Curriculum and Instruction00000
EDCI 598BProject00000
EDCI 582Writing as Research00000
EDCI 575Global Education00000
EDCI 571Research in Curriculum and Instruction in the Secondary Grad...00000
EDCI 567Interactive and Multimedia Learning Theories00000
EDCI 532Emerging Trends and Topics in Curriculum Studies00000
EDCI 520Seminar In Contemporary Educational Issues In Philosophical...00000
EDCI 693Candidacy Examination Curriculum and Instruction00000
EDCI 598Project Curriculum and Instruction00000
EDCI 597Comprehensive Examination00000
EDCI306BMusic in the Elementary Classroom II00000
EDCI 574Environmental Education Perspectives00000
EDCI 570Research in Curriculum and Instruction in the Elementary Gra...00000
EDCI 536Language Processes in the School Curriculum: Oracy00000
EDCI 531Introduction to Curriculum as Discourse00000
EDCI 514Educational Discourses00000
EDCI 614Discourses in Educational Studies00000
EDCI 598AProject Proposal and Literature Review00000
EDCI 591SELECTED TOPICS: ELL: Theory & Practice00000
EDCI 580Qualitative Research Methods00000
EDCI 572Development and Implementation of the Curriculum00000
EDCI 569The Distributed, Blended and Open Classroom00000
EDCI 565Research and Practice of Learning Design00000
EDCI 523Diverse Voices and Visions in Education00000
EDCI451Community and Culture00000
EDCI 513Community Art Education00000
EDCI306AMusic in the Elementary Classroom I00000
EDCI305BDrama Education as a Medium for Learning II00000
EDCI302Literacy and Language in Elementary or Middle School00000
EDCI300Mathematical Processes00000
EDCI208Studio Piano Class I00000
EDCI787Cross-curricular Inquiry Strategies00000
EDCI761Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School Music00000
EDCI747Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary School English00000
EDCI499Professional Development - Curriculum and Instruction00000
EDCI475Principles in Teaching French Immersion00000
EDCI463Visual Thinking00000
EDCI454Environmental Education00000
EDCI307BArt in the Elementary Classroom II00000
EDCI442Supporting Learners Experiencing Difficulties with Literacy II00000
EDCI432Historical Foundations of Education00000
EDCI422Curriculum and Program Design in Early Childhood Education00000
EDCI412Language and Literacies Pedagogy Reading Diverse Texts00000
EDCI404Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Social Studies00000
EDCI360Field Experience Seminar (Elementary or Middle Years Post Degree)00000
EDCI352Multiliteracies Curriculum00000
EDCI339Distributed and Open Learning00000
EDCI336Technology and Innovation in Education00000
EDCI315Art Pedagogy for the Elementary or Middle Classroom I00000
EDCI312Studio Guitar Class: II00000
EDCI310Learning to Listen to Music00000