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UVic Course Reviews

University of Victoria

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HSTR112AWorld History 1900-19453.73441
HSTR385BHistory of the Modern Olympic Games3.73531
HSTR385AWitchcraft and its Persecution in the Early Modern Atlantic World00000
HSTR429Seminar in Canadian Political History00000
HSTR300CGaming and the Historical Imagination00000
HSTR340BMigration and Ethnic Tensions in Post-1945 Europe00000
HSTR350CGermany After 194500000
HSTR484The History of Food00000
HSTR220AHistory of England to the Glorious Revolution00000
HSTR490Directed Reading00000
HSTR306Sex and Power in American History00000
HSTR230ACanada to Confederation00000
HSTR325Environmental History of British Columbia00000
HSTR330CIndigenous-Settler Treaties in Canada since 160000000
HSTR365ALate Imperial China00000
HSTR 622Advanced Religious History00000
HSTR436FIndividual, Family and Community in Medieval Society00000
HSTR381Medicine in the Modern World00000
HSTR119Deportation and Exile00000
HSTR 608AAdvanced Topics in Chinese History00000
HSTR328BIndigenous-Settler Relations in Canada since 185000000
HSTR275Modern South Asia from Early Empires to Gandhi00000
HSTR112BThe World Since 1945-present00000
HSTR 443Atheism And Unbelief In Early Modern Europe00000
HSTR276Modern Latin America00000
HSTR310EReligion in the United States00000
HSTR303AThe Emergence of Modern America, 1890-194500000
HSTR320AThe British Monarchy since 168900000
HSTR324BBritish Columbia, 1849-190000000
HSTR330ECanada's 1960s00000
HSTR 550Research Methods for Masters Project00000
HSTR347AReaction, Reform and Revolution in France, 1814-191400000
HSTR343ACinema and European Society, 1900-194500000
HSTR376EHistory of the Aztecs, Inka and Maya00000
HSTR 517CULTURAL HISTORY AND THEORY: Early Modern French Cultural Hi...00000
HSTR414Seminar in 17th-century England00000
HSTR370AIntersections of Law and Religion from Ancient to Current Worlds00000
HSTR451ATwentieth-Century Genocides in Eastern Europe00000
HSTR110Conquest and Encounter in the Atlantic World, 1492-170000000
HSTR101Discovering the Past00000
HSTR389Topics in Public History00000
HSTR236BThe European Middle Age00000
HSTR 613Advanced Topics in Gender and Sexuality00000
HSTR320CBloodfeud, Politics and Culture in the Celtic World, 1485-174600000
HSTR465Seminar in East Asian History00000
HSTR482Seminar in Peace and War Studies00000
HSTR 695Dissertation Proposal00000
HSTR101CEpidemics from the Black Death to AIDS00000
HSTR301The Historian's Craft00000
HSTR131History of Technology00000
HSTR 328DIndigenous-Settler Treaties in Canada since 160000000
HSTR240AEurope, Renaissance to the French Revolution00000
HSTR310Topics in American History00000
HSTR300BHockey Nation: Sports History and Canadian Identity00000
HSTR 502BModern British History00000
HSTR309Race Riots in American Cities00000
HSTR314ABecoming the Victorians, Britain 1789-185100000
HSTR310CAmerican History in Film00000
HSTR316BDeath and the Afterlife in England, 1750 to the Present00000
HSTR320BHomicide in Modern Britain00000
HSTR322ACanadian Political History Since 186700000
HSTR 515APublic History00000
HSTR328CIndigenous-Settler Relations in the United States since 185000000
HSTR328AIndigenous North America to 185000000
HSTR337AThe Birth of the Renaissance00000
HSTR 507Latin America 1492-190000000
HSTR344AThe First World War00000
HSTR340Topics in European History00000
HSTR351Imperial Russia, 1689-191700000
HSTR 603AAdvanced Topics in Pre-1900 Canadian History00000
HSTR371Topics in Thematic and Comparative History00000
HSTR346France from the Renaissance to Louis XIV00000
HSTR380Religion and the Making of the Modern Middle East00000
HSTR 600Historiography for Dissertation00000
HSTR390AHistory to 1750 through Role Playing Games00000
HSTR364Government and Politics in East Asia00000
HSTR427Seminar in Indigenous History of Canada00000
HSTR101ATen Days that Shook the World00000
HSTR444Early Modern French Cultural History00000
HSTR376CRevolutions and Dictators in 20th-century Latin America00000
HSTR474Colonial Legacies Field School in South Africa00000
HSTR 598MA Major Research Paper00000
HSTR496Approaches to History00000
HSTR385Topics in Social and Cultural History00000
HSTR109Global Society since 140000000
HSTR121History, Music and the American Century00000
HSTR210BThe United States since 186500000
HSTR412Seminar in Medieval England00000
HSTR277AHistory of the Middle East, 1789-World War II00000
HSTR 508AChina in Local and Global History00000
HSTR304Social History of the Automobile00000
HSTR445BScandals and Political Culture in France, 1870-200000000
HSTR324CBritish Columbia in the 20th Century00000
HSTR236AThe Creation of the Medieval World00000
HSTR329BRace, Racism and Ethnicity in Canada since 190000000
HSTR240BEurope, Napoleon to the European Union00000
HSTR485Seminar in Social and Cultural History00000
HSTR 693PhD Candidacy Examinations00000
HSTR499Honours Thesis00000
HSTR300Exploring the Past00000
HSTR101EEnvironmental History of the World00000
HSTR 320DScottish History In Film, 1314 Present00000
HSTR120History of Human Rights00000
HSTR303BUnited States since 194500000
HSTR210AThe United States to the Civil War00000
HSTR 513History of Gender, Sexuality and the Body00000
HSTR236Medieval Beginnings00000
HSTR308The United States and Vietnam00000
HSTR265AChina and the Premodern World00000
HSTR 470SEMINAR: WORLD+COMPARATIVE: History of Modern Messianic Move...00000
HSTR277BHistory of the Middle East since World War II00000
HSTR310BUS-Soviet Relations in the Cold War Era00000
HSTR302ARevolutionary America and the Early Republic, 1763-181500000
HSTR 370TOPICS: WORLD+COMPARATIVE HIST: On this Spot: Putting Histor...00000
HSTR307AThe United States in the World, 1750-191400000
HSTR313ABritain's Rise to World Power, 1689-183700000
HSTR310AAfrican-American History00000
HSTR 504BEurope since 180000000
HSTR310DThe American West00000
HSTR315ABritain's Short Twentieth Century 1901-195100000
HSTR312Tudor-Stuart England00000
HSTR315BModern Britain 1951-the present00000
HSTR320Topics in British History00000
HSTR318The Bloody Code: Crime in England, 1660-180000000
HSTR 512Intellectual History00000
HSTR320EIce and Exploration00000
HSTR322BCanadian Constitutional History00000
HSTR324ANorthwest America to 184900000
HSTR 503BPost-1900 Canadian History00000
HSTR327BGender and Sexuality in Canada from 1920 - present00000
HSTR326Religion and Spirituality in Canada00000
HSTR330Topics in Canadian History00000
HSTR 518POLITICAL HISTORY: Comparative History of Nationalism00000
HSTR336SSex, Violence and Death in Modern Medievalism00000
HSTR329ARace, Racism and Ethnicity in Canada to 190000000
HSTR337BReformation and Religious War in Europe00000
HSTR 597Public History Stream Research Project00000
HSTR342BRevolutionary and Napoleonic Europe, 1789-181500000
HSTR336ATopics in Medieval Europe00000
HSTR345The Eastern Front in the First and Second World Wars00000
HSTR 599MA Thesis00000
HSTR350AImperial Germany00000
HSTR340CThe Thirty Years War00000
HSTR360Topics in World History00000
HSTR 511MILITARY HISTORY: Issues in Military and Naval Historiograph...00000
HSTR365DChinese Politics00000
HSTR344BEurope Between Two World Wars00000
HSTR376BThe Struggle for Independence in Latin America, 1767-186700000
HSTR 608BAdvanced Topics in the Chinese Diaspora00000
HSTR377Topics in the History of the Modern Middle East00000
HSTR349Hitler in History00000
HSTR383AWar and Society Prior to 170000000
HSTR 505WORLD HISTORY: Punjab and the World: History, Politics, and...00000
HSTR385DPirates and Piracy Since 150000000
HSTR353Modern Ukraine and Russian-Ukrainian Conflict00000
HSTR410Seminar in American History00000
HSTR 699PhD Thesis00000
HSTR426Seminar in Canadian Military History00000
HSTR365CChina and the World00000
HSTR430Seminar in Canadian History00000
HSTR 522The Social History Of Religion: Lived Religion: Intersection...00000
HSTR436TThe Records of the History of Middle-earth00000
HSTR376AConquest and Rebellion in Latin America, 1492 - 178300000
HSTR447Seminar in the History of Disease and Public Health00000
HSTR101FFood in World History00000
HSTR465AChina in Local and Global History00000
HSTR379Western Imperialism in the Middle East and North Africa00000
HSTR481A Global History of the Chinese Overseas00000
HSTR 603BAdvanced Topics in Post-1900 Canadian History00000
HSTR485AGender, Sexuality and the Body since 180000000
HSTR383BWar and Society, 1700 - 191400000
HSTR115The Second World War00000
HSTR101DHistory of Money00000
HSTR385CHistory of Sexuality00000
HSTR111Age of Encounters in the Pacific World, 1700-190000000
HSTR 601Advanced Topics in American History00000
HSTR122Conspiracies, Hoaxes and Moral Panics00000
HSTR390BHistory after 1750 through Role Playing Games00000
HSTR220BHistory of England from the Glorious Revolution - present00000
HSTR200Topics in History00000
HSTR265BChina and the Modern West00000
HSTR420Seminar in British History00000
HSTR300AThe Backpacker's Guide to European History00000
HSTR 500Historiography00000
HSTR302BAntebellum America and the Civil War, 1815-186500000
HSTR436WMedieval Foundations of the Western Legal Tradition00000
HSTR307BThe United States in the World, 1914-present00000
HSTR230BCanada from Confederation - present00000
HSTR323Canadian-American Relations00000
HSTR451Seminar in Russian and Eastern European History00000
HSTR327AGender and Sexuality in Canada to 192000000
HSTR 615Advanced Topics in Public History00000
HSTR313BEnglish Society, 1689-183700000
HSTR477Seminar in the History of the Modern Middle East00000
HSTR 328Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada00000
HSTR 503APre-1900 Canadian History00000
HSTR 501American History00000
HSTR 508BA Global History of the Chinese Overseas00000
HSTR316ADeath and the Afterlife in England, 1200-175000000