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UVic Course Reviews

University of Victoria

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
THEA150Public Speaking4.35351
THEA122The Acting Experience55551
THEA397Directed Studies in Costume Design00000
THEA333History of Dance in Canada00000
THEA335Applied Theatre I00000
THEA338The Broadway Producer00000
THEA348Lighting for the Theatre I00000
THEA353Assisting the Scenic Designer00000
THEA365Assisting the Costume Designer00000
THEA379Musical Theatre Workshop in Singing00000
THEA393Directed Studies in Theories of Directing00000
THEA331Directing I00000
THEA409Theories of Acting From Antiquity to Today00000
THEA416Theories of Meaning00000
THEA424Voice and Speech in the Theatre IV00000
THEA435Applied Theatre II00000
THEA490Graduating Project00000
THEA 132Exploring Theatre Through Dramatic Process00000
THEA 229Theatre Performance00000
THEA499Theatre Laboratory00000
THEA391Directed Studies in the History of Drama00000
THEA395Directed Studies in Production and/or Management00000
THEA399Theatre Laboratory00000
THEA411Seminar in Theatre History IV00000
THEA421Acting V00000
THEA426Stage Movement IV00000
THEA432Directing IV00000
THEA454Lighting Design for Production00000
THEA 335ATheatre in Education00000
THEA101AIntroduction to Western Theatre I00000
THEA299Theatre Laboratory00000
THEA309AHistory of Opera to the Late 19th Century00000
THEA314Studies in Theatre of the Ancient World00000
THEA319Studies in Renaissance Theatre00000
THEA322Acting IV00000
THEA326Stage Movement II00000
THEA 362History of Fashion and Body Modification I00000
THEA 512Directing00000
THEA 516SEMINAR THEATRE HISTORY: Popular Culture Performances00000
THEA 522Advanced Problems in Costume Design00000
THEA 590Directed Studies00000
THEA 693Dissertation Proposal/Candidacy Exam00000
THEA 210Theatre From French Classicism To The End Of The 19Th Centur...00000
THEA 235ATheatre for Community Building00000
THEA 355Design Aesthetics I00000
THEA 510Costume Design00000
THEA 500Methods And Materials Of Theatre Research00000
THEA 509Lighting Design00000
THEA 513Seminar in Theatre Aesthetics00000
THEA 520Advanced Problems in Scene Design00000
THEA 523Advanced Problems in Directing00000
THEA 598MA Essay00000
THEA 699Dissertation00000
THEA 599MA Thesis00000
THEA 363History of Fashion and Body Modification II00000
THEA 500BTheory for Theatre Research00000
THEA 508Scene Design00000
THEA 511Production00000
THEA 515Production Experience00000
THEA 521Advanced Problems in Lighting Design00000
THEA 524MFA Practicum00000
THEA367Producing Non-Profit Professional Theatre in Canada00000
THEA 101An Introduction to Theatre00000
THEA 120Introduction To The Art Of Acting00000
THEA 235BDrama in Education00000
THEA 335BSocially Engaged Theatre00000
THEA 356Ways of Seeing II00000
THEA 500AMethods and Materials of Theatre Research00000
THEA 503Seminar In European Theatre History00000
THEA465Costume Design for Production00000
THEA392Directed Studies in Theories of Acting00000
THEA396Directed Studies in Scene Design00000
THEA405Specialized Studies in Production and Management00000
THEA414Studies in Canadian Theatre00000
THEA422Acting VI00000
THEA425Stage Movement III00000
THEA431Directing III00000
THEA453Scenic Design for Production00000
THEA368History of Fashion and Body Modification 00000
THEA101BIntroduction to Western Theatre II00000
THEA111Theatre History I00000
THEA132AExploring Theatre Through Dramatic Process I00000
THEA219Acting II (non-Performance Focus)00000
THEA223Introduction to Voice00000
THEA234The Director and Designer Relationship00000
THEA246Theatre History III00000
THEA321Acting III00000
THEA120BIntroduction to the Art of Acting II00000
THEA205Introduction to Production and Management Areas of the Theatre00000
THEA206Fundamentals of Play Analysis00000
THEA221Acting I (Performance Focus)00000
THEA225Introduction to Stage Movement00000
THEA236Theatre History II00000
THEA252Introduction to Design II00000
THEA315Studies in Medieval Theatre00000
THEA261Costume Design I00000
THEA325Stage Movement I00000
THEA329Theatre Performance00000
THEA334Director and Designer Relationship II00000
THEA337History of the Broadway Musical00000
THEA344Selected Topics00000
THEA351Introduction to Scenic Design00000
THEA357Ways of Seeing00000
THEA317Studies in 19th-Century Theatre00000
THEA132BExploring Theatre Through Dramatic Process II00000
THEA218Acting I (non-Performance Focus)00000
THEA222Acting II (Performance Focus)00000
THEA235Introduction to Applied Theatre00000
THEA251Introduction to Design I00000
THEA304Acting for the Camera00000
THEA309BModern Opera00000
THEA311Seminar in Theatre History II00000
THEA120AIntroduction to the Art of Acting I00000
THEA318Studies in Contemporary Theatre00000
THEA323Voice and Speech in the Theatre I00000
THEA327Introduction to Physical Theatre Creation00000
THEA332Directing II00000
THEA339Performances in Popular Culture00000
THEA349Lighting for the Theatre II00000
THEA354Assisting the Lighting Designer00000
THEA394Directed Studies in Applied Theatre00000
THEA305Advanced Production and Management00000
THEA310Seminar in Theatre History I00000
THEA316Studies in Theatre of the Enlightenment00000
THEA324Voice and Speech in the Theatre II00000
THEA347Theatre History IV00000
THEA352Scenic Design00000
THEA361Costume Design II00000
THEA390Directed Studies in Theatre History00000
THEA102Theatre Appreciation from Page to Stage00000
THEA398Directed Studies in Lighting Design00000
THEA410Seminar in Theatre History III00000
THEA415Methods and Materials of Theatre Research00000
THEA423Voice and Speech in the Theatre III00000
THEA429Theatre Performance00000
THEA433Directing for Production00000
THEA105Introduction to Stagecraft and Technical Practice00000