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UVM Course Reviews

University of Vermont

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
NR 021Speaking and Listening55351
NR 141Intro to Ecological Economics00000
NR 243SL:GIS Practicum00000
NR 228Ecosystems Ecology00000
NR 220Landscape Ecology00000
NR 206Env ProbSol&Impact Assesmt00000
NR 197Teaching Assistantship00000
NR 190Internship00000
NR 153Intro to Environmental Policy00000
NR 143Intro to Geog Info Systems00000
NR 250Limnology00000
NR 137SL:Landscape Dsgn Fundamentals00000
NR 104Social Proc & the Environment00000
NR 103Ecology,Ecosystems&Environ00000
NR 099Aiken Scholars Seminar00000
NR 061SU:Foundations of PBE00000
NR 016Ecological Citizenship00000
NR 015Ecology of Place00000
NR 264SL: C Ross Env Publ Serv Pract00000
NR 277Land Use Policy & Economics00000
NR 288Ecol Design & Living Technol00000
NR 290Internship00000
NR 295Costa Rica Service Capstone00000
NR 306Envisioning a Sust Future00000
NR 312Power Privlge & Catalyz Change00000
NR 334Professional Writing AdvTopics00000
NR 342Ecosystem Services00000
NR 352Ecological Economics Practice00000
NR 384Independent Study in NR00000
NR 388Ecological Leadership Seminar00000
NR 391Master's Thesis Research00000
NR 395Sustainability Seminar00000
NR 280Stream Ecology00000
NR 009SU:VT: Natural & Cultural Hst00000
NR 095SU: Fndtns ofSustainability00000
NR 102SU:Water as a Natural Resource00000
NR 107SU:Human Health & Envirnmt00000
NR 140Applied Environ Statistics00000
NR 146Remote Sensing of Natural Res00000
NR 192Independent Study00000
NR 195Tropical Ecol in Costa Rica00000
NR 199Honors Seminar00000
NR 205SU:Ecosys Mgt:Intg Sci,Soc&Pol00000
NR 207D1: Power, Privilege & Envrnmt00000
NR 242Adv Geospatial Techniques00000
NR 254Adv Natural Resource Policy00000
NR 268Soil Ecology00000
NR 002Natural Hist & Human Ecology 200000
NR 289Advanced Ecological Design00000
NR 292Independent Study00000
NR 299Honors00000
NR 311Leadership for Sustainability00000
NR 333Professional Writing Essential00000
NR 341Ecological Economic Theory00000
NR 343Fndmtls of Geog Info Systems00000
NR 354Seminar:Envrmntl Policy & Mgmt00000
NR 387Education for Sustainablty Sem00000
NR 389Ecological Ldership Practicum00000
NR 392Master's Project Research00000
NR 491Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
NR 001Natural Hist & Human Ecology 100000
NR 006D1:Race & Culture in NR00000