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UVU Course Reviews

Utah Valley University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 468RPrintmaking IV00000
ART 2230Illustrative Media and Techniques I00000
ART 2110Drawing II00000
ART 1830Residential Interior Design00000
ART 1810Introduction to Interior Design00000
ART 1750Intro to Digital Imaging00000
ART 1420Graphic Design I00000
ART 1400Graphic Computer Applications00000
ART 1340Sculpture I FF00000
ART 11303D Design00000
ART 1110Drawing I00000
ART 1020Basic Drawing for Non-Majors FF00000
ART 499RBFA Project WE00000
ART 481RArt and Design Internship00000
ART 471RPhotographic Illustration00000
ART 2250Gestural Drawing00000
ART 463RPainting IV00000
ART 429R3D Illustration00000
ART 427RConcept Design II00000
ART 421RAdvanced Illustration00000
ART 382RSculpting the Human Form00000
ART 369RContemporary Figure Painting00000
ART 367RPrintmaking II00000
ART 365RWatermedia III00000
ART 363RPainting III00000
ART 348RUI/UX Design II00000
ART 343RBranding II00000
ART 335RCeramics III00000
ART 328RPainting the Human Head00000
ART 325R2D Animation for Illustration00000
ART 3480UI/UX Design II00000
ART 4890Senior Seminar00000
ART 4850Professional Writing for the Visual Arts WE00000
ART 4840Professional Presentation for the Visual Arts WE00000
ART 4830Professional Practices for the Visual Arts II WE00000
ART 4820Professional Practices for the Visual Arts I WE00000
ART 4750Exploratory Photographic Processes00000
ART 4490Portfolio II00000
ART 4480UI/UX Studio00000
ART 4440Motion Graphics Studio00000
ART 4370Hand Building Ceramics00000
ART 42303-D Computer Rendering00000
ART 3800Low-Fire Ceramics00000
ART 3740Fine Art Photography WE00000
ART 3510Secondary Art Education Methods II WE00000
ART 322RAdvanced Rendering of Forms and Surfaces00000
ART 3440Motion Graphics II00000
ART 3400Elementary Art Education Methods00000
ART 3260Digital Painting for Ilustration II00000
ART 3220Conceptual Illustration00000
ART 2815Historical Architecture and Interior Design FF00000
ART 2720Color Photography00000
ART 2700Photography II00000
ART 2680Printmaking I00000
ART 2630Painting I00000
ART 2490Portfolio I00000
ART 2440Motion Graphics I00000
ART 2400Production Design00000
ART 2340Sculpture II00000
ART 2270Figure Drawing I00000
ART 426RConcept Design00000
ART 1790Dark Room Techniques00000
ART 1650Watercolor FF00000
ART 1410Typography I00000
ART 1350Ceramics I FF00000
ART 1210Spatial Drawing00000
ART 11202D Design00000
ART 1050Photography I FF00000
ART 1010Introduction to Visual Arts FF00000
ART 491RIndependent Study00000
ART 474RAdvanced Photo Studies00000
ART 470RFigure Drawing III00000
ART 465RWatermedia IV00000
ART 443RDesign Studio00000
ART 428RSequential Illustration00000
ART 1820Interior Space Design00000
ART 411RDrawing IV00000
ART 371RHistorical Photographic Processes00000
ART 368RPrintmaking III00000
ART 366RLife Drawing00000
ART 364RFigure Painting00000
ART 361RFigure Drawing II00000
ART 344RMotion Graphics II00000
ART 341RTypography II00000
ART 334RSculpture III00000
ART 327RRendering the Human Head00000
ART 324RChildrens Book Illustration00000
ART 321REnvironment Design and Painting00000
ART 300RSpecial Topics Art Fiber Arts00000
ART 291RIndependent Study00000
ART 3005Ceramic History Trends and Practices00000
ART 311RDrawing III00000
ART 281RArt and Design Internship00000
ART 200RArt and Design Lecture Series00000
ART 4990Senior Studio00000
ART 4360Mold Making and Casting00000
ART 3810Ceramic Technologies00000
ART 3750Advanced Digital Imaging00000
ART 3730Photographic Lighting II00000
ART 3500Secondary Art Education Methods I WE00000
ART 3450Branding II00000
ART 3420Typography II00000
ART 3270Digital Illustration00000
ART 32303 D Computer Modeling00000
ART 3210Narrative Illustration00000
ART 219RSpecial Topics00000
ART 2730Photographic Lighting I00000
ART 2710Documentary Photography00000
ART 2650Watermedia II00000
ART 2640Painting II00000
ART 2620Color Theory00000
ART 2480UI/UX Design I00000
ART 2430Branding I00000
ART 2350Ceramics II00000
ART 22803D Computer Modeling00000
ART 2260Digital Painting for Illustration I00000
ART 2240Illustrative Media and Techniques II00000
ART 2220Imagination and Visual Literacy00000
ART 2100Teaching Art for Children FF00000