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UW Whitewater Course Reviews

University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTHROPL 218Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTHROPL 365Mayas, Aztecs And Incas: Precolumbian Civilzations00000
ANTHROPL 420Anthropological Theory00000
ANTHROPL 498Independent Study In Anthropology00000
ANTHROPL 220Tombs, Temples & Buried Treasure: Introduction to Archaeolog...00000
ANTHROPL 225Human Evolution: Introduction To Biological Anthropology00000
ANTHROPL 302Culture, Medicine and Health00000
ANTHROPL 305Native North America Today: People, Culture And Survival00000
ANTHROPL 320Understanding Heritage: From Landmarks To Theme Parks (Gs)00000
ANTHROPL 325Forensic Documentation00000
ANTHROPL 334Gender And Sexuality In Cross Cultural Perspective00000
ANTHROPL 350Contemporary Japanese Society00000
ANTHROPL 352Urban Society00000
ANTHROPL 367Origins Of Gender00000
ANTHROPL 425Advanced Forensic Anthropology: Bioarchaeology, Trauma & Pat...00000