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UW Whitewater Course Reviews

University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTSTDIO 382Graphic Design II: Print Media00000
ARTSTDIO 121Basic Art (Ga)00000
ARTSTDIO 202Drawing II00000
ARTSTDIO 230Printmaking: Introductory Survey00000
ARTSTDIO 271Metal and Jewelry I00000
ARTSTDIO 303Drawing III: the Figure00000
ARTSTDIO 321Painting I00000
ARTSTDIO 331Intaglio Printmaking00000
ARTSTDIO 333Screenprinting00000
ARTSTDIO 342Sculpture II00000
ARTSTDIO 352Ceramics II00000
ARTSTDIO 372Metal and Jewelry II00000
ARTSTDIO 377Hd/Dv Design Fundamentals00000
ARTSTDIO 3803D Modeling-Imaging-Animation I00000
ARTSTDIO 1022-Dimensional Design00000
ARTSTDIO 388Motion Graphic Animation Studio I00000
ARTSTDIO 392Package Design00000
ARTSTDIO 411Professional Studio Practices00000
ARTSTDIO 444Sculpture IV00000
ARTSTDIO 454Ceramics IV00000
ARTSTDIO 474Metal and Jewelry IV00000
ARTSTDIO 476Advanced Web Design Studio00000
ARTSTDIO 4803D Modeling-Animation II00000
ARTSTDIO 485Graphic Design V: Portfolio Solutions00000
ARTSTDIO 492Field Internship in Art00000
ARTSTDIO 498Independent Studies00000
ARTSTDIO 711Graduate Studio II00000
ARTSTDIO 381Graphic Design I: Typography00000
ARTSTDIO 201Drawing I00000
ARTSTDIO 213Introduction to Digital Photography00000
ARTSTDIO 251Ceramics I00000
ARTSTDIO 287Computer Graphics For The Artist00000
ARTSTDIO 311Photography: Expression and Experimentation00000
ARTSTDIO 324Watercolor00000
ARTSTDIO 332Relief Printmaking00000
ARTSTDIO 341Sculpture I00000
ARTSTDIO 343Sculpture III00000
ARTSTDIO 353Ceramics III00000
ARTSTDIO 373Metal and Jewelry III00000
ARTSTDIO 376Visual Design For The Web00000
ARTSTDIO 379Interactive Multimedia Design00000
ARTSTDIO 1033-Dimensional Design00000
ARTSTDIO 383Graphic Design III: Web Media00000
ARTSTDIO 389Typographic Solutions00000
ARTSTDIO 408Advanced Drawing00000
ARTSTDIO 426Advanced Painting00000
ARTSTDIO 445Sculpture V: Research00000
ARTSTDIO 455Ceramics V: Research00000
ARTSTDIO 475Metal and Jewelry V: Research00000
ARTSTDIO 477Advanced Hd Dv Motion Capture Studio00000
ARTSTDIO 484Graphic Design IV: Advanced Concepts00000
ARTSTDIO 488Motion Graphic Animation Studio II00000
ARTSTDIO 496Special Studies00000
ARTSTDIO 710Graduate Studio I00000