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UW Whitewater Course Reviews

University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUS 285World Music34321
MUS 001Beginning Piano00000
MUS 295Selected Studies00000
MUS 278History of Rock and Roll00000
MUS 182Aural Skills II00000
MUS 174Music Literature and Appreciation00000
MUS 172Music Theory II00000
MUS 170Fundamentals Of Music00000
MUS 075Small Vocal Ensemble00000
MUS 072Chorus00000
MUS 070Orchestra00000
MUS 003Elementary Piano00000
MUS 002Beginning Piano00000
MUS 273Jazz History And Appreciation00000
MUS 181Aural Skills I00000
MUS 173Music Literature And Appreciation00000
MUS 171Music Theory I00000
MUS 119Careers in Music and the Arts00000
MUS 074Jazz Ensemble00000
MUS 071Band00000
MUS 004Elementary Piano00000