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UWEC Course Reviews

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 406Biophysical Chemistry00000
CHEM 104General Chemistry II00000
CHEM 106General Chemistry I Laboratory00000
CHEM 115Chemical Principles00000
CHEM 161Chemistry and Culture of Food and Cooking00000
CHEM 274Chemical Industry Seminar00000
CHEM 304Environmental Chemistry00000
CHEM 318Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 326Organic Chemistry II with Laboratory00000
CHEM 352Fundamentals of Biochemistry00000
CHEM 399Independent Study - Juniors00000
CHEM 100Chemistry: Issues and Answers00000
CHEM 420Advanced Synthesis Laboratory00000
CHEM 433Physical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 438Physical Analysis Laboratory00000
CHEM 452Biochemistry I00000
CHEM 454Biochemistry II00000
CHEM 490Chemistry Internship00000
CHEM 495Directed Studies00000
CHEM 499Independent Study - Seniors00000
CHEM 633Physical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 653Biochemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 411Survey of Industrial Chemistry00000
CHEM 105General Chemistry I Lecture00000
CHEM 109General Chemistry II with Lab00000
CHEM 150Survey of Biochemistry00000
CHEM 213Quantitative Analysis00000
CHEM 218Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 296Student Academic Apprenticeship in Chemistry00000
CHEM 325Organic Chemistry I with Laboratory00000
CHEM 344Modern Applied Separations and Spectrometry00000
CHEM 361Molecules and Medicine00000
CHEM 401Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 103General Chemistry I00000
CHEM 426Modern Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 434Physical Chemistry II00000
CHEM 444Modern Applied Separations and Spectrometry00000
CHEM 453Biochemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 460Polymer Chemistry00000
CHEM 491Special Topics00000
CHEM 497Independent Study (ACS)00000
CHEM 611Survey of Industrial Chemistry00000
CHEM 652Biochemistry I00000