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UWG Course Reviews

University of West Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 4078Mid-Program Review00000
ART 3012Art for Pre-K and Special Populations00000
ART 2201History of Western Art I00000
ART 1201Introduction to Art00000
ART 1007Drawing I00000
ART 4805Advanced Printmaking00000
ART 4707Prof Photography Assignments00000
ART 4702From Still to Moving Images00000
ART 4586Internship00000
ART 4404Graphic Design IV00000
ART 4302Intermediate Ceramics: 20th Century Studio00000
ART 3210Non-Western Art- Asia Buddhism00000
ART 4010Secondary Art Methods00000
ART 4000Advanced Drawing00000
ART 3901Introductory Sculpture00000
ART 3704Introduction to Time-Based Art (Video I)00000
ART 3700Survey of Photography00000
ART 3402Graphic Design II: Typography II00000
ART 3302Intermediate Ceramics: Molds, Multiples, and Mechanical Mean...00000
ART 3270Pre-World War II Modernism00000
ART 3240Italian Renaissance00000
ART 4009Art Curriculum and Classroom Management00000
ART 4985Special Topics in Art00000
ART 4822The Art of Letterpress Printing and the Book00000
ART 4803Intaglio00000
ART 4704Documentary Photography00000
ART 4406Graphic Design VI: Professional Portfolio00000
ART 4403Graphic Design III: Type and Image00000
ART 4303Intermediate Ceramics: Surface, Image and Text00000
ART 4295SpecialTopic Art History:Aesth00000
ART 4012Student Teaching in Art Education00000
ART 3215History & Concepts of Drawing00000
ART 3902Sculpture II00000
ART 3801Printmaking I: Survey00000
ART 3702Darkroom Photography00000
ART 3602Painting II00000
ART 3403History of Graphic Design00000
ART 3400Graphic Design Survey for Non-Majors00000
ART 3301Beginning Ceramics00000
ART 3260American Art00000
ART 3230Medieval Art of Christian Europe and the Near East00000
ART 4804Lithography00000
ART 3401Graphic Design I00000
ART 3275Art Since 194500000
ART 325018th or 19th Century Art00000
ART 3220Art of the Ancient World00000
ART 3065Introduction to Scientific/ Pre-Medical Illustration00000
ART 3011Elementary Art Methods00000
ART 2000Oral Communication and the Visual Arts00000
ART 1008Drawing II00000
ART 4998Senior Capstone Experience I00000
ART 4903Sculpture IV00000
ART 3601Painting I: Watercolor00000
ART 4706Advanced Photography Studio00000
ART 4605Advanced Painting00000
ART 4603Painting III00000
ART 4405Graphic Design V00000
ART 4304Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 4298Senior Capstone in Art History I00000
ART 4013Student Teaching in Art Education00000
ART 4005Advanced Life Drawing00000
ART 3903Sculpture III00000
ART 4604Acrylic and Experimental Processes00000
ART 3060Illustration: An Introductory Survey00000
ART 2202History of Western Art II00000
ART 1009Design II (3D)00000
ART 1006Design I (2D)00000
ART 4999Senior Capstone Experience II00000
ART 4904Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 4821Printmaking IV: Screenprinting00000
ART 4708Exp Prac in Lens-Based Media00000
ART 4705History of Photography00000
ART 3703Digital Imaging00000
ART 4408Mat & Methods in Graph Design00000
ART 4400Graphic Design Studio Problems00000
ART 4299Senior Capstone in Art History II00000
ART 4290Modernist Criticism00000
ART 4011Student Teaching in Art Education00000
ART 4007Digital Media For Artist00000
ART 3802Relief Printmaking00000
ART 3705Artificial Lighting00000
ART 3701Intro to Photography00000