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UWG Course Reviews

University of West Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 1040Career and Job Search Strategies55551
PSYC 4085BIdentity in Film00000
PSYC 8260Psych, Epistemology & Ethics00000
PSYC 7004Historical Foundations of Psychology00000
PSYC 6400Psychology, Culture, & Society00000
PSYC 6161Counseling Methods00000
PSYC 6000Foundations of Humanistic Psychology00000
PSYC 4887Practicum:Exper in Human Servc00000
PSYC 4700Ecopsychology00000
PSYC 4270Psychology of Childhood00000
PSYC 4160Psychology of Love00000
PSYC 8887Advanced Practicum in Psychology00000
PSYC 4085Horizon Seminar: Altruism00000
PSYC 4030History and Philosophy of Psychology00000
PSYC 4000Humanistic Psychology00000
PSYC 3800Psych of Mind/Body-Honors00000
PSYC 3730Social Psychology00000
PSYC 3600Psychology of Communication00000
PSYC 3470Existential Psychology00000
PSYC 3200Intro to Organizational Devel00000
PSYC 3110Human Sexuality00000
PSYC 2220Qualitative Research Methods00000
PSYC 4140Psychology of Gender00000
PSYC 7810AResearch Workshop00000
PSYC 7810DPsychology of Science00000
PSYC 6800Psychology of Mind and Body00000
PSYC 6287Clinical Practicum00000
PSYC 6083Research Methods00000
PSYC 5085Horizon Seminar: Psychedelics00000
PSYC 4864Consumer Behavior00000
PSYC 4650Transpersonal Development00000
PSYC 4220Research Explorations00000
PSYC 2003Statistics in Psychology00000
PSYC 4085APsychedelics00000
PSYC 4085DPsychology of Religion00000
PSYC 4085CPersonology00000
PSYC 3900Personality Theories00000
PSYC 3150Abnormal Psychology00000
PSYC 3010Human Growth and Development00000
PSYC 2010Psychology as a Human Science00000
PSYC 1101Introduction to General Psychology00000
PSYC 9999Dissertation00000
PSYC 7650Buddhist Psychology00000
PSYC 9087Teaching Practicum00000
PSYC 8584Sociogenesis00000
PSYC 8009Transpersonal Foundations of Psychology00000
PSYC 8007Critical Foundations of Psychology00000
PSYC 8005Human Science Methodologies00000
PSYC 8001Culture and Subjectivity00000
PSYC 7810CPsychology of Ghosts00000
PSYC 7810BNarrative Psychology00000
PSYC 7810Brief & Narrative Therapies00000
PSYC 4085FLife Stories00000
PSYC 7250Foundations of Psychoanalysis00000
PSYC 6220The Counseling and Psychotherapy Process00000
PSYC 6021Psychology as Human Science00000
PSYC 5090Groups and Group Process00000
PSYC 4884Integrative Seminar00000
PSYC 4670Values, Meaning, and Spirituality00000
PSYC 4350Culture and Psychology00000
PSYC 4085ELanguage Development00000
PSYC 4010Theories of Psychology00000
PSYC 7810ETut: Coarising & Distinction00000
PSYC 1030Personal Relationships00000
PSYC 9002Doctoral Qualifying Seminar00000
PSYC 8270Depth Psychology00000
PSYC 8008Humanistic Foundations of PSYC00000
PSYC 8006Advanced Human Science Methodologies00000
PSYC 8002Studies in Mind/Body00000
PSYC 8000Consciousness and Experience00000
PSYC 7810GTutorial:Deconstructing Dylan00000
PSYC 7810FTutorial: Film & Psychology00000
PSYC 3850Forensic Psychology00000
PSYC 7490Phenomenology of Social Existence00000
PSYC 6785Psychology&Interdisciplinarity;00000
PSYC 6200Theoretical Approaches to Counseling and Psychotherapy00000
PSYC 6010Human Growth and Potential00000
PSYC 5500Explorations into Creativity00000
PSYC 4760Introduction to Psychotherapy00000
PSYC 4500Explorations into Creativity00000
PSYC 4200Parapsychology00000
PSYC 4130Eastern and Transpersonal Psychologies00000