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PSYC 4320

Intellectual Disability

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1Awful Class
1Very Hard

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Tara Clapp / Winter 2024

Oct 11, 2024

Comments on the course

My overall thoughts is that the content of this class is very interesting and important, however the teaching method is very ineffective and impersonable. I would not take a class with this professor again.

Course Content

The teacher has assignments in 2 week intervals in which you are tasked to read loads of studies and chapters in the textbook. At the end of the two weeks you must complete a discussion with strict parameters. Then at the end of the module you take an exam over everything that was assigned. This course outline was very hard for me to learn the content. I do not learn by reading a bunch of articles so I did not have much success.

Comments on the professor

The professor is very uninvolved in your learning. She gives you readings, tells you to complete a discussion, and has you watch videos that were recorded years ago. Very little involvement from the professor and she cared very little about actually teaching.


This class takes a lot of self discipline and takes a lot more work than any other class to learn the content. Do not expect much help from the professor and if you learn better by having assignments that apply the content, this class is not for you. Overall, avoid it.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Exam HeavyAssignment Heavy

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