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UWYO Course Reviews

University of Wyoming

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AIST 1001Foundations Am Ind00000
AIST 5360Amer Indian Women00000
AIST 4990Topics: Women of Color00000
AIST 4462Amer Indian History to 178300000
AIST 4020Internship00000
AIST 3000Plains Hist/Cultr00000
AIST 2010Inter Indigenous Lang: Arapaho00000
AIST 5462Amer Indian History to 178300000
AIST 5000Independent Study00000
AIST 4466Am Ind Ethnohistory00000
AIST 4340Resource Mgt Reser00000
AIST 3010Proficient Indg Lang: Arapaho00000
AIST 2290History of N American Indians00000
AIST 1350Am Inds Contp Soc00000
AIST 5141Instr Methd AI Education00000
AIST 4468Am Indian in N Am Wst00000
AIST 4460American Indian Literature00000
AIST 4000Indians of Wyoming00000
AIST 2340Nat Am Literature00000
AIST 1010Beg Indigenous Lang: Arapaho00000
AIST 5466Am Indian Ethnohistory00000
AIST 4975Independent Studies00000
AIST 4360Amer Indian Women00000
AIST 4010Adv Indigenous Lang: Arapaho00000
AIST 2345Amer Indians & Film00000