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Valencia Osceola Course Reviews

Valencia College, Osceola

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HUM 1020Intro To Humanities00000
HUM 2220Greek and Roman HUM00000
HUM 2223Medieval Humanities00000
HUM 2232Hum Renaissance and Baroque00000
HUM 225020th and 21st Century HUM00000
HUM 2403Middle Eastern Humanities00000
HUM 2454African-American Humanities00000
HUM 2930Selected Topics Humanities00000
HUM 1020HIntro to Humanities Honors00000
HUM 2220HHumanities Greek and Roman Hon00000
HUM 2232HHum Renaissnce and Barque Hon00000
HUM 223418th and 19th Century HUM00000
HUM 2310Mythology00000
HUM 2410Asian Humanities00000
HUM 2461Latin American Humanities00000
HUM 2941Intern Explor in Humanities00000