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Vanderbilt Course Reviews

Vanderbilt University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGM 3700Program and Project Management35321
PSY 3750Perception42541
CS 2201Program Design and Data Structures21241
ECON 1111First-Year Writing Seminar - FYS:Freakonomics45441
AMER 4100Undergraduate Seminar in American Studies - Get Rad! Pol Cul...00000
ANTH 3866Archaeological Excavation00000
ANTH 5106Culture and Power in Latin America00000
ANTH 6133Political Anthropology00000
AADS 4999Senior Honors Thesis00000
ANTH 2106Culture and Power in Latin America00000
ANTH 6373Hlth/Disease Anc Popltns00000
ANTH 3343Biology and Culture of Race00000
AMER 3200Global Perspectives on the U.S.00000
ANTH 4156Racial Experience and Politics00000
AADS 4228WBlack Girlhood: History, Performance and Counter-Narratives00000
ANTH 5370Death and the Body00000
ANTH 1201WIntroduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 6242The Archaeology of the Ancient Maya Civilization00000
AADS 2306Race, Mixed Race, and "Passing."00000
ACI 6112The Health System00000
ANTH 8100Political Violence00000
ANTH 2220WHuman Landscapes00000
ANTH 2225Climate Change, Collapse, and Sustainability in History00000
AADS 3016GOAT: Life, Times, and Politics of Muhammad Ali00000
ACI 7110Practicum Experience00000
ANTH 2242WThe Archaeology of Ancient Maya Civilization00000
ANTH 3262Ethics in Anthropology, Archaeology, and Development00000
AMER 2100Sports, Culture, and Society00000
ANTH 3372Human Osteology00000
AADS 3850Independent Study00000
ANTH 3890Special Topics - Forensic Anthropology00000
AMER 3880Internship Training00000
ANTH 4998Honors Research00000
AADS 2178Global Africa00000
ANTH 5223Native North Americans00000
ANTH 1001Commons iSeminar - Ancient Grains & Natural Meds00000
ANTH 6120Sociocultural Field Methods00000
AADS 4588The Black Studies Movement00000
ANTH 6154Environmental Anthropology00000
ANTH 1601Introduction to Language and Culture00000
ANTH 6343Biology and Culture of Race00000
AADS 1706Capoeira: Afro-Brazilian Race, Culture, and Expression00000
ANTH 7150Urban Ecology00000
ANTH 2150Urban Ecology00000
ANTH 8211Space, Place, and Landscape00000
AADS 2654Memoirs and Biographies00000
ANTH 2223Native North Americans00000
ACI 6121Clinical Information System and Applications00000
ANTH 2230South American Archaeology00000
AADS 1808On Whiteness: Whiteness Studies, Race, and Identity00000
ACI 7111Capstone Project Planning00000
ANTH 2375Making Racism Visible: Media and Civil Rights from MLK to Bl...00000
ANTH 3120Sociocultural Field Methods00000
ANTH 3125Public Scholarship Practicum in Community Research00000
AADS 3178Colonialism and After00000
ACI 7121Capstone Project Planning00000
ANTH 3133Political Anthropology00000
ANTH 3250The Inca Empire00000
AMER 1002WIntroduction to American Studies00000
ANTH 3333WTopics - Pandemics in World History00000
AADS 3306Black Detroit00000
ANTH 3346Human Adaptation and Disease00000
AMER 2700Religion, Politics, and American Culture00000
ANTH 3850Independent Research00000
AADS 2166African American Influences on Country Music00000
ANTH 3880Internship Training00000
AMER 3851Independent Readings and Research00000
ANTH 4154Environmental Anthropology00000
AADS 4126The Black Classics00000
ANTH 4345Human Evolutionary Genetics00000
AMER 3890Topics in American Studies - Writing the Blues00000
ANTH 5101Theories of Culture and Human Nature00000
AADS 1404Comparative Black Male Writers00000
ANTH 5130Global Infrastructure and Everyday Life00000
AMER 4999Senior Honors Thesis00000
ANTH 5230South American Archaeology00000
AADS 4270Research Methods00000
ANTH 5866Archaeological Excavation00000
ANTH 1111First-Year Writing Seminar - FYS:Conquest of Mexico00000
ANTH 6125Public Scholarship Practicum in Community Research00000
AADS 2214History and Myth: Black Women in the United States00000
ANTH 6141Anthropology of Healing00000
ANTH 1201Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 6202The Collapse of Civilizations00000
AADS 4852Special Topics in Social Sciences - Policing Black Bodies00000
ANTH 6261Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Remote Se...00000
ANTH 2102Problems in Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 6347Bioethics in Anthropology00000
AADS 1016Race Matters00000
ANTH 6851Independent Research00000
ANTH 2120Sports, Culture, and Society00000
ANTH 8001History of Anthropological Theory II00000
ACI 6110Introduction to Clinical Informatics00000
ANTH 3140Myth, Ritual, Belief: The Anthropology of Religion00000
ACI 7211Capstone Project Implementation and Evaluations00000
ANTH 3143Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 3161Colonial Encounters in the Americas00000
ANTH 2160WCreating Community00000
AADS 1001Commons iSeminar - Capoeira:AfricanBrazilian Danc00000
AADS 1111First-Year Writing Seminar - FYS:Race Sport Amer Cult00000