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Vanderbilt Course Reviews

Vanderbilt University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGM 3700Program and Project Management35321
ENGM 3350Organizational Behavior00000
ENGM 5010Systems Engineering00000
ENGM 5600Technology-Based Entrepreneurship00000
ENGM 5890Special Topics - Intell Prop for Engine&Sci00000
ENGM 6300Marketing of Technology Products00000
ENGM 6600Program and Project Management Strategies00000
ENGM 7897Master of Engineering Project00000
ENGM 2210Technology Strategy00000
ENGM 3010Systems Engineering00000
ENGM 4800Wealth Management for Engineers00000
ENGM 3890Special Topics - Intell Prop for Engine&Sci00000
ENGM 5100Finance and Accounting for Engineers00000
ENGM 5650Operations and Supply Chain Management00000
ENGM 6100Strategic Technology Management00000
ENGM 6400Operations and Supply Chain Strategy00000
ENGM 6700Intellectual Property for Engineers and Scientists00000
ENGM 7898Master of Engineering Project00000
ENGM 6500Applied Leadership in Engineering Management00000
ENGM 3100Finance and Accounting for Engineers00000
ENGM 3600Technology-Based Entrepreneurship00000
ENGM 3850Independent Study00000
ENGM 4500Product Development00000
ENGM 5000Enterprise System Design00000
ENGM 5300Technology Assessment and Forecasting00000
ENGM 5700Program and Project Management00000
ENGM 6200Technology Forecasting00000
ENGM 2440Applied Behavioral Science00000
ENGM 6800Finance and Accounting00000
ENGM 7899Master of Engineering Project00000
ENGM 2160Engineering Economy00000
ENGM 3000Enterprise System Design00000
ENGM 3300Technology Assessment and Forecasting00000
ENGM 3650Operations and Supply Chain Management00000
ENGM 3851Independent Study00000