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Villanova Course Reviews

Villanova University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 7960TOP:Molecular Parasitology00000
BIO 1950TOP:Egyptian Mummies & Mod Sci00000
BIO 1906Internship Elective00000
BIO 1057Intro to Occupational Therapy00000
BIO 9308Thesis Research II00000
BIO 9305Thesis Dir for BS/MS students00000
BIO 9104Graduate Biology Topics III00000
BIO 9080Thesis Continuation00000
BIO 8941TOP:Field Biology Lab00000
BIO 8910BS/MS Res Prospectus & Thesis00000
BIO 8555Neurophysiology00000
BIO 8151Molecular Cell Biology00000
BIO 7982TOP:Evol Ecol Entomology Lab00000
BIO 2993Internship00000
BIO 7950TOP:Cell & Molec Methods00000
BIO 7705Plant Ecology00000
BIO 7385Global Change Ecology00000
BIO 7105Vertebrate Ecology00000
BIO 6610Thesis Proseminar00000
BIO 6509Directed Research00000
BIO 6402BS/MS Independent Study 200000
BIO 6100Affiliation Study00000
BIO 5100SrSEM:Senior Thesis00000
BIO 4605Neurobiology00000
BIO 4451Field Ecol and Evol00000
BIO 7201Ecosystem Ecology00000
BIO 9309Thesis Research III00000
BIO 9306Thesis Dir for BS/MS students00000
BIO 9303Thesis Dir for BS/MS students00000
BIO 9102Graduate Biology Topics I00000
BIO 9007Directed Research I00000
BIO 8920Research Prospectus00000
BIO 8610BS/MS Thesis Proseminar00000
BIO 8251Endocrine Physiol/Pharmacology00000
BIO 8051Advanced Bacteriology00000
BIO 7962TOP:Molecular Parasitology Lab00000
BIO 7940TOP:Imaging Methods00000
BIO 7322Immunology Laboratory00000
BIO 4331Biology of Cancer00000
BIO 6403BS/MS Independent Study 300000
BIO 6102TOP:Ecosystem Experimentation00000
BIO 4950TOP:Biology & Biochem of RNA00000
BIO 4452Field Ecol and Evol Lab00000
BIO 4355Experimental Genetics00000
BIO 4285Developmental Biology00000
BIO 4205Cell Biology00000
BIO 3595General Microbiology00000
BIO 3485Marine Biology00000
BIO 3255Evolutionary Ecology00000
BIO 3055Animal Physiology00000
BIO 3950TOP:Digital Skills forBiologst00000
BIO 7321Immunology00000
BIO 6709Thesis Research II00000
BIO 6609Thesis Research I00000
BIO 6404BS/MS Independent Study 400000
BIO 6401BS/MS Independent Study 100000
BIO 5300CAP:Alien Physiology00000
BIO 4955TOP:Molecular Evolution00000
BIO 4505Molecular Biology00000
BIO 4385Global Change Ecology00000
BIO 4305Evolution00000
BIO 4251Endocrine Physiol/Pharmacology00000
BIO 3955TOP:Bioinformatics00000
BIO 7451Behavioral Ecology00000
BIO 3591General Microbiology Lecture00000
BIO 3455Histology00000
BIO 3351Genetics00000
BIO 3105Biostatistics & Exp Design00000
BIO 3015Animal Behavior00000
BIO 2996Internship00000
BIO 2105General Biology I00000
BIO 2103General Biology II Lecture00000
BIO 2101General Biology I Lecture00000
BIO 1206Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BIO 1181Microbiology and Genetics00000
BIO 1205Human Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BIO 4252Endocrine Physiol/Pharmacology00000
BIO 4105Medical Microbiology00000
BIO 3952TOP:Rsrch Meth in Marine Ecol00000
BIO 3661Environment and Human Health00000
BIO 3525Entomology00000
BIO 3385Global Change Ecology00000
BIO 3155Comparative Anatomy00000
BIO 3011Animal Behavior Lecture00000
BIO 2106General Biology II00000
BIO 2104General Biology II Lab00000
BIO 2102General Biology I Lab00000
BIO 1903Internship Elective00000
BIO 1101Biology00000
BIO 9307Thesis Research I00000
BIO 9304Thesis Dir for BS/MS students00000
BIO 9103Graduate Biology Topics II00000
BIO 9008Directed Research II00000
BIO 8940Adv Topics in Biology00000
BIO 8900Seminar00000
BIO 8252Endocrine Physiol/Pharmacology00000
BIO 8052Adv Bacteriology Lab00000
BIO 7980TOP:Digital Skills forBiologst00000
BIO 7955Biodiversity & Systematics00000
BIO 7805Biostatistics & Exper. Design00000