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MAT 172

Precalculus Trigonometry

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Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Congdon / Fall 2023

Sep 9, 2024

Comments on the course

MAT-172 assumes you have study methods developed in MAT-171. Do not take the course if it's not part of your degree plan. If MAT-172 is a breeze, then engineering/STEM should be consideration for a major. For engineers, MAT-172 is part of a series of math classes. For other majors, MAT-172 should be part of a program going up to Calc I or II. If your performance is mid in Math class, then you may need to retake the class in another semester. On the second attempt, you better be a Hellcat/Scatpack versus the Toyota Prius you were in the first attempt.

Course Content

There is a lot of material taught in MAT-172. The skill of predicting what can be on the test is necessary to prevent study exhaustion. Questions that aren't practiced in class or in study sessions appear on the exam.

Comments on the professor

Professors / lectures are a very small part of success in the overall course. MAT-172 is very reliant on test preparation rather than attending lectures alone.


Develop the very best study tactics for exams. Do not get behind in other courses, or take only 1 or 2 easy courses on top of MAT-172.

Delivery: HybridGrade: C+Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: No
Exam Heavy

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