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NOS 110

Operating Systems Concepts

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4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty

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4Good Prof

Prof: Ryan Stamper / Spring 2022

May 11, 2022

Comments on the course

Good class, a heavy workload. The number conversions will really kick your butt but just practice them, it's just one week. There is a ridiculous time limit that should be re-evaluated. The course builds upon itself so you need to stay current and really understand the material.

Course Content

Number conversions, virtual machines, linux, windows operation, mac terminology, and command lines.

Comments on the professor

Mr. Stamper was great, he really cares about his student's education and wants them to do well so he makes himself available after hours to help. He really enjoys associating with his students and sometimes gets off topic but it's easy to get back on track. He also sends long repetitive emails twice a week that say the same thing, BUT it does help everyone stay on track and remind everyone of what to do for the week. He treats people like adults, no late work is accepted and he's very firm about that (unless you have a legit reason, he allowed a one-time late submission for me.) But I think it's great because it helps people straight out of high school learn how it would be in the real world at work. I would take one of his classes again.


I wish I knew how hard the class would be! A lot of studying. Take advantage of the ILC.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Yes
Exam HeavyAssignment Heavy

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