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Wayne State Course Reviews

Wayne State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AFA 2420Construction Methods I00000
AFA 3460Introduction to Merchandising00000
AFA 4430Fashion Illustration00000
AFA 5410Fashion Entrepreneurship00000
AFA 5442Fashion Design: Draping00000
AFA 5480Advanced Studio/Exhibition00000
AFA 5992Supervised Field Experience00000
AFA 7990Directed Study00000
AFA 3400Clothing and Culture00000
AFA 3470Global Issues in Fashion Merchandising00000
AFA 4990Directed Study00000
AFA 5424Fashion Design: CAD00000
AFA 5460Merchandising II00000
AFA 5490Economics of Merchandising00000
AFA 7850Seminar00000
AFA 2410Textiles00000
AFA 3420Construction Methods II00000
AFA 4450Contemporary Fashion Theory00000
AFA 5422Fashion Design: Flat Pattern00000
AFA 5470Visual Merchandising: Display00000
AFA 5997Seminar00000