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WCUPA Course Reviews

West Chester University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIS 102History of Civilization II32331
HIS 399Topics in U.S. History00000
HIS 690Independent Studies in History00000
HIS 603Directed Readings World/Regional History00000
HIS 554Civil War & Reconstruction: 1850-187700000
HIS 548Women And The Holocaust00000
HIS 543Jews In Modern European History00000
HIS 530Problems In Medieval Civilization00000
HIS 480Digital History00000
HIS 451Women In History00000
HIS 425Twentieth-Century Russia00000
HIS 421History Of England To 168800000
HIS 412The Modern Middle East00000
HIS 101History of Civilization I00000
HIS 381The Forgotten Queens of Islam00000
HIS 370American Indians00000
HIS 367American Material Culture00000
HIS 357Diplomatic History of the United States00000
HIS 344History of Pennsylvania00000
HIS 328The French Revolution and Napoleon00000
HIS 319Medieval Europe00000
HIS 315Colonial Latin America00000
HIS 306Chinese Civilization00000
HIS 100Contemporary Global History00000
HIS 390History on the Web00000
HIS 651Seminar in European History00000
HIS 601Directed Readings in American History00000
HIS 553The Rise Of The New Nation: 1789-185000000
HIS 545The Holocaust00000
HIS 536Europe Since 191400000
HIS 523History of Germany00000
HIS 460Field Studies In History00000
HIS 440American Jewish History00000
HIS 423Modern Germany00000
HIS 413Nuclear War: The History of Fighting, Filming, Surviving, or...00000
HIS 400Seminar in History00000
HIS 652Seminar in History of non-Western World00000
HIS 376American History at the Movies00000
HIS 369American West00000
HIS 364U.S. Urban History00000
HIS 352Modern American Military History00000
HIS 329Gender and Peace00000
HIS 323Austrian Civilization00000
HIS 317History of Mexico00000
HIS 312History of Africa Since 187500000
HIS 215Introduction to the History of Science00000
HIS 152History of the United States II00000
HIS 397Topics in World History00000
HIS 660Field Studies In History00000
HIS 602Directed Readings in European History00000
HIS 555Emergence Of Modern America: 1876-192300000
HIS 546Genocide In Modern History00000
HIS 535Nationalism & Democracy: 1815-191400000
HIS 511Africa To Independence00000
HIS 500Methods & Materials Of Rsrch In History00000
HIS 444History of American Education00000
HIS 424World of Communism00000
HIS 414History of Health and Medicine00000
HIS 410Independent Study in History00000
HIS 151History of the United States I00000
HIS 378Revolutionary America00000
HIS 373African-American History00000
HIS 366The Turbulent Sixties00000
HIS 356U.S. Environmental History00000
HIS 343Colonial America00000
HIS 324Imperial Russia00000
HIS 318The Ancient World00000
HIS 314Latin American Women's History00000
HIS 305Modern China00000
HIS 214Do No Harm? The Pursuit of Justice in the History of Medicin...00000
HIS 398Topics in European History00000
HIS 650Seminar in American History00000
HIS 600Internships in History00000
HIS 551Revolutionary America: 1763-178900000
HIS 544Final Solution00000
HIS 534French Revolution & Napoleonic Era00000
HIS 509The Modern Middle East And The West00000
HIS 458History Of The Cold War00000
HIS 450Internship In History00000
HIS 427Modern France: 1789 To Present00000
HIS 422History Of England Since 168800000
HIS 411Middle East to 170000000
HIS 150The American Experience00000
HIS 380History of U.S. Involvement in the Middle East00000
HIS 375A History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict00000
HIS 368Gay America00000
HIS 362Violence in America00000
HIS 349The Jew in History00000
HIS 332The Holocaust00000
HIS 320Renaissance and Reformation00000
HIS 316Modern Latin America00000
HIS 308Introduction to the Islamic World00000
HIS 300Varieties of History00000