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Wellesley Course Reviews

Wellesley College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 215Bronze Age Greece in its Mediterranean Context00000
ANTH 249Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory00000
ANTH 250HResearch or Individual Study00000
ANTH 277True Stories: Ethnographic Writing for the Social Sciences a...00000
ANTH 301Advanced Theory in Anthropology00000
ANTH 319Nationalism, Politics, and the Use of the Remote Past00000
ANTH 335Sem:Death in Religion&Medicine;00000
ANTH 350Research or Individual Study00000
ANTH 360Senior Thesis Research00000
ANTH 102Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
ANTH 110The Anthropology of Food00000
ANTH 209Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 243(De)Constructing Scientific Knowledge in Biological Anthropo...00000
ANTH 227Living in Material Worlds: Archaeological Approaches to Mate...00000
ANTH 233The Anthropology of Religion00000
ANTH 237Ethnography in/of South Asia00000
ANTH 245Culture, Politics, and Power: Anthropological Perspectives o...00000
ANTH 250Research or Individual Study00000
ANTH 265The Politics of Nature00000
ANTH 281Anthropology of Death: Osteoarchaeological Approaches to Dea...00000
ANTH 314Human Biology and Society00000
ANTH 333Seminar: Taking, Keeping, Giving: Anthropologies of Exchange00000
ANTH 345Introduction to Ethnomusicology: The Anthropology of Music00000
ANTH 350HResearch or Individual Study00000
ANTH 321Anthropology of the Senses00000
ANTH 107YScience & Culture of Blood00000
ANTH 207Introduction to Human Evolution00000
ANTH 214Race and Human Variation00000
ANTH 220Epidemics and Pandemics: Biopolitics, and disparities in his...00000
ANTH 231Anthropology In and Of the City00000
ANTH 235Doing Ethnomusicology: Critical Music Studies "Out in the Fi...00000
ANTH 238The Vulnerable Body: Anthropological Understandings00000
ANTH 246Digital Anthropology: Cultural Heritage and the Future of Di...00000
ANTH 262The Archaeology of Human Sacrifice: A Cross-Cultural Compari...00000
ANTH 278Machines for Living and Structures of Feeling: Anthropologic...00000
ANTH 302Museum Anthropology: Curating Equity and Representation00000
ANTH 101Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology00000
ANTH 341Indigenous Resurgence00000
ANTH 346Seminar: Doing Well, Doing Good? The Political Lives of NGOs00000
ANTH 370Senior Thesis00000
ANTH 103Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 205Anthropology Methods and Project Design00000
ANTH 210Political Anthropology00000
ANTH 217Peopl,Cult&Pols of the Balkans00000
ANTH 222Anthropology of Science00000
ANTH 232Anthropology of Media00000
ANTH 236Divine Madness: Dreams, Visions, Hallucinations00000