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Wellesley Course Reviews

Wellesley College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 107YScience & Culture of Blood00000
CHEM 307Nanoscience00000
CHEM 310Seminar: Chemistry of the Heavens00000
CHEM 320Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 324CSPW: Adv Chem Biol00000
CHEM 331Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems: The Fundamental Mo...00000
CHEM 341Inorganic Chemistry with Laboratory00000
CHEM 350HResearch or Individual Study00000
CHEM 361Analytical Chemistry with Laboratory00000
CHEM 104YFirst-Year Seminar: How to Model: Building, Using, and Evalu...00000
CHEM 302Sem. Communicating Chemistry00000
CHEM 205Chemical Analysis and Equilibrium with Laboratory00000
CHEM 223Fundamentals of Biochemistry with Laboratory00000
CHEM 250HResearch or Individual Study00000
CHEM 306Sem:Tpc: Org Chem Drug Design00000
CHEM 330Physical Chemistry I with Laboratory00000
CHEM 335Physical Chemistry II with Laboratory00000
CHEM 355Thesis Research00000
CHEM 365Thesis00000
CHEM 334Physical Chemistry II00000
CHEM 105Fundamentals of Chemistry with Laboratory00000
CHEM 120Intensive Introductory Chemistry with Laboratory00000
CHEM 212Organic Chemistry II with Laboratory00000
CHEM 250Research or Individual Study00000
CHEM 303Seminar: Aquatic Chemistry00000
CHEM 309Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 318Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Moder...00000
CHEM 323Advanced Seminar in Biochemistry00000
CHEM 330XPhysical Chemistry00000
CHEM 103Elements and the Environment00000
CHEM 350Research or Individual Study00000
CHEM 360Senior Thesis Research00000
CHEM 370Senior Thesis00000
CHEM 101YScience of Female/Male Diff00000
CHEM 105PFundamentals of Chemistry with Laboratory00000
CHEM 116Fundamentals of Chemistry and Molecular/Cellular Biology wit...00000
CHEM 211Organic Chemistry I with Laboratory00000
CHEM 227Principles of Biochemistry00000