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Wheaton Course Reviews

Wheaton College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BITH 884Biblical/Theo Integration00000
BITH 669Intro to Analytic Theology00000
BITH 675Adv Syst Theo:Theol & CS Lewis00000
BITH 677Faith, Doubt, & Secularization00000
BITH 683Historiography00000
BITH 693Dossier for Biblical Exegesis00000
BITH 696Internship00000
BITH 699Thesis Continuation00000
BITH 794Directed Study-Liberal Arts00000
BITH 881Biblical Interp & Theology00000
BITH 657Hist Theo: Patristic & Medi00000
BITH 999Dissertation Continuation (PT)00000
BITH 111Gospel, Church & Culture00000
BITH 213NT Lit & Interpretation00000
BITH 311Archaeology of Biblical Lands00000
BITH 316Christian Thought00000
BITH 325Biblical Interp & Hermeneutics00000
BITH 334Historical Geography00000
BITH 343OT Cultural Environment00000
BITH 349OT Topics: Isaiah00000
BITH 566Foundations for Biblical Intrp00000
BITH 505Language Study III00000
BITH 509Intro to Greek Exegesis00000
BITH 528Intro to NT Exegesis00000
BITH 536OT Book Studies: Daniel00000
BITH 541Old Testament Criticism00000
BITH 544NT I: Jesus & Gospels00000
BITH 546NT Book Study: Revelation00000
BITH 552Jewish Backgrounds of the NT00000
BITH 561Theological Anthropology00000
BITH 354Women In The World Of Nt00000
BITH 576Hist of Christianity to 190000000
BITH 581The Reformation00000
BITH 623Hist/Pastoral Care00000
BITH 636Hebrew Exegesis: Proverbs00000
BITH 646Greek Exegesis:Phil./1-2Thess.00000
BITH 647Greek Exegesis: Philippians00000
BITH 653Historical Theol:Patristics00000
BITH 655Hist Theology: Reformation00000
BITH 577World Christianity00000
BITH 521Theology Of Education00000
BITH 526Biblical Theology of Worship00000
BITH 533Exploring the Old Testament00000
BITH 538Ot II: Proph & Wisdom Books00000
BITH 542Old Testament Hermeneutics00000
BITH 545Nt II: Acts To Revelation00000
BITH 555Exploring the New Testament00000
BITH 562Intro OT Exegesis00000
BITH 568Foundation For Biblical Interp00000
BITH 506Language Study II:German00000
BITH 585Hist Christianity in N America00000
BITH 625Majority World Theologies00000
BITH 638OT Theology00000
BITH 648NT Theology00000
BITH 751Intro to Doctoral Research00000
BITH 795Guided Research00000
BITH 882PhD Seminar: Gender in the NT00000
BITH 898Dissertation00000
BITH 431OT Criticism00000
BITH 358Acts of the Apostles00000
BITH 365Prison Epistles00000
BITH 371Early Christianity-Byzantium00000
BITH 374Systematic Theology00000
BITH 377Tpcs Chrstn Tght: God & Evil00000
BITH 382Doctrine Of The Church00000
BITH 384Political Theology00000
BITH 389Holy Spirit & Last Things00000
BITH 396Roman Catholic Theology00000
BITH 495Independent Study00000
BITH 444Hebrew Exegesis: Prov./Eccles.00000
BITH 449Old Testament Topics: Daniel00000
BITH 452NT Criticism00000
BITH 459Greek Exegesis:Phil./1-2Thess.00000
BITH 482Christology & Trinity Early Ch00000
BITH 485Theology Of Martin Luther00000
BITH 491Early Christianity Senior Sem.00000
BITH 496Internship00000
BITH 531New Testament Hermeneutics00000
BITH 451Greek Exegesis: Philippians00000
BITH 457John00000
BITH 469Pauline Theology00000
BITH 483Augustine00000
BITH 486John Calvin00000
BITH 494SenSem:Faith,Work&Flourishing00000
BITH 499Honors Thesis00000
BITH 508Intro to Hebrew Exegesis00000
BITH 524Intro to Hermeneutics00000
BITH 448Marginal Voices in OT Studies00000
BITH 537Ot1: Pent & Hist Books00000
BITH 539ANE Backgrounds00000
BITH 543New Testament Criticism00000
BITH 551Greco-Roman Backgrounds Of Nt00000
BITH 558Theology Of John Calvin00000
BITH 565Christian Theology00000
BITH 573Scripture and Theology00000
BITH 578Global Church History00000
BITH 368Revelation00000
BITH 221OT Lit in Three Traditions00000
BITH 311LArch of Biblical Lands Lab00000
BITH 322Theology & the Arts00000
BITH 326Biblical Foundation of Worship00000
BITH 337Early Christianity Integration00000
BITH 345Life of David00000
BITH 351Jesus Of Nazareth00000
BITH 355Theology Of The Promsised Land00000
BITH 359Jewish Backgrounds of the NT00000
BITH 622Theo/Rel Iss In Psyc00000
BITH 372Historical Theology00000
BITH 375Christian Ethics00000
BITH 378Race, Class, and Justice00000
BITH 383Gender & Theology00000
BITH 385Triune God00000
BITH 393Theo Topics: Prayer00000
BITH 398Easten Orthodox Theology00000
BITH 443Hebrew Exegesis: Proverbs00000
BITH 364Peter And Jude00000
BITH 250Holy Lands: Ancient & Modern00000
BITH 315Christian Thought00000
BITH 323Literature of the Bible00000
BITH 327Read Scripture Church Fathers00000
BITH 332Ruth & Esther00000
BITH 341Exodus00000
BITH 346Ancient Faith for Modern World00000
BITH 353NT Topics: Matthew00000
BITH 356I Corinthians00000
BITH 214Nt Lit & Interp00000
BITH 369Religion of Israel & ANE00000
BITH 373Marriage, Sex, Family00000
BITH 376Theologies of Transformation00000
BITH 379Experiencing God: Sp Theology00000
BITH 478Marginal Voices in OT00000
BITH 484Thomas Aquinas00000
BITH 488Karl Barth00000
BITH 489Patristic Thought00000
BITH 684Vocation Formation00000
BITH 635Hebrew Exegesis: Prov./Eccles.00000
BITH 639Marginal Voices in OT00000
BITH 649Pauline Theology00000
BITH 654Hist Theology: Medieval00000
BITH 656Hist Theology: Modern00000
BITH 658Hist Theo: Reform & Modern00000
BITH 674Theology & Liberal Arts00000
BITH 676Theo: Theology & C.S. Lewis00000
BITH 679Christology & Trinity Early Ch00000
BITH 211OT Lit & Interpretation00000
BITH 692Comprehensive Exam00000
BITH 695Independent Study00000
BITH 698Thesis00000
BITH 793Directed Study00000
BITH 798Guided Pedagogical Experience00000
BITH 883Seminar: Christology00000
BITH 899Dissertation Continuation (FT)00000
BITH 212Ot Lit & Interp00000