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WOU Course Reviews

Western Oregon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
A 370Printmaking: Simple Intaglio00000
A 480Painting: Figure00000
A 470Advanced Printmaking: Intaglio00000
A 452Ceramics: Expanding Practice00000
A 429Portfolio & Professional Prep00000
A 419Professional Concerns00000
A 405CArt Hst:Gender In Art00000
A 399Spec Studies: Generative Art00000
A 391Intermediate Sculpture00000
A 381Painting: Mixed Media00000
A 492Sculpture: Contemporary Issues00000
A 330Drawing: Explorations00000
A 327Video & Animation II00000
A 321Grphc Dsgn:Form & Communcation00000
A 316Intermed Design: 3-Dimensional00000
A 311Creativity & Idea Generation00000
A 304History Modern Art 1789-191400000
A 262Digital Images & Photography I00000
A 230Introduction To Life Drawing00000
A 352Ceramics: Intermed00000
A 482Adv Painting00000
A 475Bfa Thesis Project:Printmaking00000
A 468Art & Technology Workshop00000
A 450Ceramics: Visual Exploration00000
A 422Adv Topics Graphc Desgn & Comm00000
A 410Critique & Seminar00000
A 404Art Hstry Non-Wstrn Art Latn A00000
A 383Illustrtn:Technique & Narrativ00000
A 372Relief Printmaking00000
A 205Art Hst:Mid Ages-Renaissance00000
A 326Video & Animation I00000
A 320Graph Design: Process & Theory00000
A 315WIntermed Design: 2-D00000
A 308History of Graphic Design00000
A 280Introduction to Painting00000
A 220Introduction To Typography00000
A 130Beginning Drawing00000
A 100Art Topics: Cst and Mold Mkng00000
A 382Painting: Watercolor00000
A 115Beginning Design:2-Dimensional00000
A 495Bfa Thesis Project: Sculpture00000
A 481Adv Painting00000
A 471Adv Printmaking00000
A 455Bfa Thesis Project: Ceramics00000
A 445Bfa Thesis:Visual Comm Design00000
A 421Print Desgn: Strctrl & Contemp00000
A 406Art Histry:Contmp Art & Theory00000
A 392Intermediate Sculpture00000
A 204Art Hst:Prehist-Late Antiquity00000
A 371Screen Printing00000
A 350Intermediate Ceramics00000
A 323Art & Design for the Internet00000
A 318Gallery Internship00000
A 315Intermed Design: 2-Dimensional00000
A 306History Modern Art 1965-Pres00000
A 270Introduction to Printmaking00000
A 206Art Hst:Baroque-Contemporary00000
A 390Sculpture: Techniques & Methds00000
A 116Beginning Design:3-Dimensional00000
A 485Bfa Thesis Project: Painting00000
A 472Printmaking: Monoprints00000
A 462Digital Images & Photogrphy II00000
A 451Ceramics:Formltn Cmpnents, Rlt00000
A 425Interact Media: Contemp Issues00000
A 406WSpec Tpcs:Contemp Art & Theory00000
A 404CArt Hst: Latin America00000
A 120Beginning Digital Art & Design00000
A 380Painting: From Observation00000
A 351Intermediate Ceramics00000
A 329Print Design: Systems & Tech00000
A 322Grphc Dsgn: Contemporary Issue00000
A 316WIntermed Design:3D00000
A 308WHistory Of Graphic Design00000
A 290Introduction to Sculpture00000
A 250Introduction to Ceramics00000