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WOU Course Reviews

Western Oregon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BI 370Humans and the Environment00000
BI 211Principles Bi:Cells & Genetics00000
BI 135LLab:Intro Human Antmy & Physlg00000
BI 103LLab:General Biology00000
BI 101General Biology:Diversity Life00000
BI 541Human Heredity00000
BI 458LLab: Field Biology00000
BI 453Marine Vertebrates00000
BI 434LLab: Comparative Animal Physio00000
BI 426LLab:Genes and Development00000
BI 419Biology Teaching Practicum00000
BI 212LLab: Principles of Biology00000
BI 357General Ecology00000
BI 343Analysis of Biological Data00000
BI 335LLab: Adv Human Anatomy/Physio00000
BI 331WGen Microbiology00000
BI 324LLab: Comp Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BI 134LLab:Intro Human Antmy & Physlg00000
BI 102General Biology:Foundatns Life00000
BI 474Biology Of Insects00000
BI 458Field Biology00000
BI 334LLab: Adv Human Anatomy/Physio00000
BI 624Human Dissection00000
BI 474LLab: Biology Of Insects00000
BI 454LLab:Plant Ecology00000
BI 451Invertebrate Zoology00000
BI 432LLab: Immunology00000
BI 426Genes and Development00000
BI 408Wkshp: Cpstn Eclgcl Rsrch00000
BI 370LLab: Humans & the Environment00000
BI 357WGeneral Ecology00000
BI 336LLab: Adv Human Anatomy/Physio00000
BI 451LLab: Invertebrate Zoo00000
BI 331LLab: General Microbiology00000
BI 330LLab: Plant Physiology00000
BI 321Systematic Field Botany00000
BI 317LLab:Vertebrate Natural History00000
BI 315Cell Biology00000
BI 237Introductory Microbiology00000
BI 236LLab:Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 235Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 224Health & Human Evolution00000
BI 324Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy00000
BI 561Conservation Biology00000
BI 461Conservation Biology00000
BI 454Plant Ecology00000
BI 441Human Heredity00000
BI 432Immunology00000
BI 371LLab: Structure Of Seed Plants00000
BI 361Marine Ecology00000
BI 343LLab:Analysis of Biological Dat00000
BI 336Adv Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 334Adv Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 101LLab:General Biology00000
BI 318LLab: Microbio Health Sciences00000
BI 317Vertebrate Natural History00000
BI 316Evolution00000
BI 314Intro Genetics : Recitation00000
BI 236Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 234LLab:Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 213Prncpls Bio: Structre & Functn00000
BI 211LLab: Principles of Biology00000
BI 134Intro Human Anatmy & Physiolgy00000
BI 318Microbiology Health Sciences00000
BI 434Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BI 424Human Dissection00000
BI 371Structure Of Seed Plants00000
BI 361LLab: Marine Ecology00000
BI 357LLab: General Ecology00000
BI 335Adv Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 331General Microbiology00000
BI 330Plant Physiology00000
BI 321LLab: Systematic Field Botany00000
BI 102LLab: General Biology00000
BI 315LLab: Cell Biology00000
BI 237LLab: Introductory Microbiology00000
BI 235LLab:Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 234Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 213LLab: Principles Of Biology00000
BI 212Prncpls Bio:Evoltn Dvrs Ecolgy00000
BI 199HHnrs:Marine Invrt:Cretv Explor00000
BI 135Intro Human Anatmy & Physiolgy00000
BI 103General Biology00000