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WOU Course Reviews

Western Oregon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ED 259Sped & Inclusive Communties55551
ED 418WAssess Plan&Instr; Elm/Mh00000
ED 250DInclusive Practices In Ece00000
ED 280Infant & Toddler Development00000
ED 343Purposes of Play in Learning00000
ED 353Elementary Math Methods00000
ED 373Intro Curriculum & Assessment00000
ED 383Intro & Ovrvw Inf Mental Hlth00000
ED 405Clin Exp Sem II00000
ED 409Practicum: Esol00000
ED 413Ec Stud-Intrnl Clinical Prac I00000
ED 245Designing Ec Envrmnts00000
ED 421Ed Tech Integration00000
ED 427WPro Dev: Ec Studies Intl 100000
ED 436Cont Ped II: La00000
ED 446DEnvironments Diverse Learners00000
ED 449WObs Assess Yng Child00000
ED 464WFam & Comm Invlmnt Ece00000
ED 477Literacy At The Middle Level00000
ED 682Sociopol Found Esol/Bil Eductn00000
ED 637Inquiry Into Ped: Math00000
ED 643Mat-Whle Chld:Mtaphr Lrng&Dev00000
ED 651Content Area Lit: Emat00000
ED 658Prof Sem II Mat Oh00000
ED 667Supporting Lang & Lit Devlpmnt00000
ED 672Ldrshp Schl Reading00000
ED 675Technlgy Applications In Stem00000
ED 678Stem Education for All00000
ED 482Foundation to Esol & Biling Ed00000
ED 6841St & 2Nd Lang Acqu Ed Ling00000
ED 686Emat Cap & Prof Ldr Sem I00000
ED 691Curr,Instr,Assess Strat Em Bi00000
ED 693Tchng Rdng Across Displ00000
ED 805Early Childhd Stem Invstgation00000
ED 220Intro Early Childhd Education00000
ED 231Typical & Atypical Development00000
ED 233WAppld Adolescent Lrng & Dev00000
ED 200Foundations of Education00000
ED 673Elem Math Leadership Pract I00000
ED 677Effective Instructionl Practcs00000
ED 681Prncpl & Prctcs Esol/Bil Sped00000
ED 683Fost Cult & Comm Conn Esol/Bil00000
ED 685Emat Wrd/Wrld: Sprtng Lrnrs Ln00000
ED 688Capstn & Prof Ldrshp Sem III00000
ED 692Eng Lanf Dev Esol/Bil Settings00000
ED 697Emat Clncl Exp III00000
ED 668Assess/Rdg Instruc00000
ED 230Child Lit/Div/ Clsrm00000
ED 232Hlth & Safty Practces Ece00000
ED 240Ya in Div/Clsrm00000
ED 248Dev Appr Practices00000
ED 259DSped & Inclusive Communties00000
ED 324Creative Arts In Ece Settngs00000
ED 350Emergent Literacy00000
ED 368Science & Social Studies Ece00000
ED 617Professional Inquiry in Educat00000
ED 483DCltrl Comm & Esol/Bil Clssrm00000
ED 491DCurr Mdls/Asses Strg Bts00000
ED 492Strat Eng Lang Dev Esol & Bil00000
ED 520Global Perspctvs In Ece00000
ED 546Envrnmnts For Dvrs Lrnrs00000
ED 581Intro Esol Bilingual00000
ED 605Prof Projct Implmntn00000
ED 610Unmskng Adlt Lrner: Adlt Ed Tr00000
ED 628Tchng Writing Acrss Disciplins00000
ED 623Curr Assess & Mgt II Cb Mat00000
ED 626Instructional Design00000
ED 632Cultrl, Social & Philo Issues00000
ED 636Ldrshp & Policy in Diverse Soc00000
ED 642Curr, Assess, Inst & Refltn00000
ED 649Assessmnt Data Literacy Lrning00000
ED 657Prof Sem I Oh Mat00000
ED 659Mat Prof Sem III Oh00000
ED 548Ec Curriculum (Birth-4Th Grd)00000
ED 466Technology Inclusive Ece Envir00000
ED 481Intro Esol Bilingual Education00000
ED 482DFoundation To Esol & Biling Ed00000
ED 4841St & 2Nd Lang Acqu Ed Ling00000
ED 485Ece Ldrshp Admin00000
ED 492DStrat Eng Lang Dev Esol & Bil00000
ED 498Clinical Experience III00000
ED 534Cont Ped I: La Cb Mat00000
ED 450Mthds Clssrm Mngmnt Ece/ Elm00000
ED 585Ece Ldrshp & Admin00000
ED 607Sem: Ems Project Or Thesis00000
ED 611Theories Tchng & Lrning00000
ED 616Mat Cb Clin Exp II00000
ED 622Mat Curr Assess Mgt I Oh00000
ED 624Mat Rethnkng Spcl Ed00000
ED 631Found Biliteracy00000
ED 635Action Research00000
ED 401Ec Studies Clncl Pract Semnr I00000
ED 233Appld Adolescent Lrng & Devlp00000
ED 242WApplied Children's Lrng & Dev00000
ED 250Inclusive Practices Ec Setting00000
ED 270Tech In Ed00000
ED 325Elementary Science Methods00000
ED 348Dap: Ec Play, Dvlpmnt & Lit00000
ED 354Ece Numeracy & Mathematics00000
ED 374Teaching Writng in Elem Clssrm00000
ED 638Clssrm Assess Meaningful Stdnt00000
ED 404Clin/Exp Sem I00000
ED 407Sem: Applied Clinical Practice00000
ED 411Clncl Exp I: Ece Studies00000
ED 419Pvrty, Young Chldrn & Families00000
ED 423Erly Chldhd Stds Clncl Pract00000
ED 429Professional Dvlpmnt Semnr III00000
ED 443Sup Lang Lit & Cultr Ece/Elem00000
ED 446Envrnmnts Div Lrns (All)00000
ED 491Curr Modls/Instrct/Strt Em Bil00000
ED 434Cont Ped I: La00000
ED 444Content Lit Ece/ Elem00000
ED 448Ec Curr(Birth-4) Intl00000
ED 464Family & Comm Involvement Ece00000
ED 470Home Visiting in Early Childhd00000
ED 481DIntro Esol Bilingual Education00000
ED 483Cltrl Comm & Esol00000
ED 484D1St & 2Nd Lang Acqu Ed Ling00000
ED 427Prof Dev Ec Capstn00000
ED 519Pvrty, Young Chldrn & Families00000
ED 536Cont Ped II: La Cb Mat00000
ED 570Home Visiting in Early Childhd00000
ED 604Professional Project Planning00000
ED 609Practicum: Reading00000
ED 615Crtck Inqry Fnd Nar Oh Mat00000
ED 618Mat Tching Eqty Jst & Agncy Oh00000
ED 230HChildren's Lit In Dv Classroom00000
ED 345Designing Ece Envrmts00000
ED 648Advanced Curriculum Design00000
ED 652Intergratng He & Phys Ed Emat00000
ED 694Assess Ell Wdbrn00000
ED 224Creative Arts In Ece Settngs00000
ED 231DTypical & Atypical Dev00000
ED 235Lit for Young Child00000
ED 242Applied Children's Lrng & Devl00000
ED 285Introduction To Families00000
ED 633Educational Research00000
ED 352Elem Soc Studies Meth00000
ED 369Critical Issues In Ece00000
ED 380Infant Toddler Dev00000
ED 403Clncl Exp Sem I Ec Studies00000
ED 409DPracticum: Esol00000
ED 412Clinical Exp II00000
ED 418Assess Plan/Inst Elem/ Md/ Hs00000
ED 420Global Perspctvs In Ece00000