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WOU Course Reviews

Western Oregon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MTH 231Elements Discrete Math I42331
MTH 355Discrete Mathematics00000
MTH 101Algebraic Foundations00000
MTH 616Algbra Funct K-8 Lrn Tchr Prac00000
MTH 612Fract Proport K-8 Lrn Tchr Prc00000
MTH 592Abstrct Algebra Mid Schl Tchrs00000
MTH 492Abstrct Algebra Mid Schl Tchrs00000
MTH 404WSenior Project II00000
MTH 397Secondary Problem Solving00000
MTH 392College Alg Elm/Mid Schl Tchrs00000
MTH 110Applied College Mathematics00000
MTH 345Ring Theory00000
MTH 314Differential Equations00000
MTH 253Calculus III:Sequence & Series00000
MTH 243Intro Probability & Statistics00000
MTH 213Fnd Elem Math III00000
MTH 112Elementary Functions00000
MTH 095Intermediate Algebra00000
MTH 211Fnd Elem Math I00000
MTH 251Calculus I00000
MTH 280WIntro To Proof00000
MTH 337Geometry00000
MTH 346Number Theory00000
MTH 358Mathematical Modeling00000
MTH 366Mathematical Statistics00000
MTH 396Elementary Problem Solving00000
MTH 399HHnrs:Voting Thry:Elctrl Pltcs00000
MTH 411Mathematics Education Capstone00000
MTH 420Spec Top: Applied Mathematics00000
MTH 520Spec Top: Applied Mathematics00000
MTH 611Countng Whole Nmbrs K-8 Lrn Tc00000
MTH 621Number & Operations K-8 Tchrs00000
MTH 105Math in Society00000
MTH 111College Algebra00000
MTH 252Calculus II00000
MTH 280Introduction To Proof00000
MTH 341Linear Algebra I00000
MTH 354Applied Discrete Mathematics00000
MTH 393Prob Stats Elem/Mid Schl Tchrs00000
MTH 398Discrete Mth Elm/Mid Schl Tchr00000
MTH 401Introduction To Senior Project00000
MTH 412Math Ed Capstone II00000
MTH 494Geometry:Middle Schl Teachers00000
MTH 594Geometry:Middle Schl Teachers00000
MTH 613Geom Measrmnt K-8 Lrn Tch Prac00000
MTH 623Geometry For K-8 Teachers00000
MTH 060Preliminaries To Algebra00000
MTH 070Introductory Algebra00000
MTH 199HHnrs:Voting Thry:Elctrl Pltcs00000
MTH 212Fnd Elem Math II00000
MTH 232Elements Discrete Math II00000
MTH 254Multivariate Calculus00000
MTH 311Advanced Calculus I00000
MTH 344Group Theory00000
MTH 351Intro to Numerical Analysis00000
MTH 365Mathematical Probability00000
MTH 394Intro Geometry For Elem Tchrs00000
MTH 404Senior Project II00000
MTH 495Calclus Concpts Mid Schl Tchrs00000
MTH 595Calclus Concpts Mid Schl Tchrs00000
MTH 614Stats & Prob K-8 Lrn Tchr Prac00000
MTH 622Measuremnt & Data K-8 Teachers00000