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WP Course Reviews

William Paterson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIO 1190Basic Anatomy And Physiology II00000
BIO 4110Physiology Of Human Reproduction And Fertility00000
BIO 3720Mathematical Models In The Biological Sciences00000
BIO 3500Animal Behavior00000
BIO 3180Zoology00000
BIO 2490Ecology,Evolution,& Behavior00000
BIO 2040General Biology: Physiology00000
BIO 1640General Biology II00000
BIO 1400Introduction Animal Behavior00000
BIO 4240Molecular Biology00000
BIO 1130General Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BIO 7990Thesis Research00000
BIO 7010Graduate Independent Reading00000
BIO 4630Terrestrial Plant Ecology00000
BIO 4300Biotechnology:Dna00000
BIO 4170Histology00000
BIO 3950Honors Literature Seminar-Hon00000
BIO 3610General Botany00000
BIO 7700Seminar In Ecology00000
BIO 6330Project Management In Biotechnology00000
BIO 6320Protien Biochemistry00000
BIO 5990Selected Topics: Fundamentals Of Structural Biology00000
BIO 5740Neuroscience00000
BIO 5700Bioethics00000
BIO 5461Advanced Pathophysiology00000
BIO 5360Neural Basis Behavior00000
BIO 3200Microbiology00000
BIO 5300Recombinant Dna Technology00000
BIO 5220Human Physiology00000
BIO 4990Independent Study00000
BIO 4840Scanning Electron Microscopy00000
BIO 4740Neuroscience00000
BIO 4600Pharmacology00000
BIO 4340Genomics and Bioinformatics00000
BIO 3650Plant Physiology00000
BIO 5110Physiology Of Human Reproduction And Fertility00000
BIO 4980Field Experience Biology00000
BIO 4800Biology Capstone Seminar00000
BIO 4700Bioethics00000
BIO 4440Evolution00000
BIO 4310Cell and Tissue Culture00000
BIO 4210Developmental Biology00000
BIO 3990Selected Topics: Fundamentals Of Structural Biology00000
BIO 5240Molecular Biology00000
BIO 3400Ecology00000
BIO 3120Advanced Anatomy and Physiology00000
BIO 2060General Genetics00000
BIO 20203D Printing in Biomedicine00000
BIO 1300Field Biology00000
BIO 1180Basic Anatomy And Physiology I00000
BIO 7000Independent Study00000
BIO 3080Animal Physiology00000
BIO 2050Cell Biology00000
BIO 1700Basic Microbiology00000
BIO 1620General Biology: Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity00000
BIO 1200Human Biology00000
BIO 1140Applied Anatomy and Physiology00000
BIO 7100Seminar Molecular Biology00000
BIO 7020Graduate Independent Reading00000
BIO 1120General Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BIO 6310Techniques in Gene Expression00000
BIO 5840Scanning Electron Microscopy00000
BIO 5720Mathematics Models For Biological Sciences00000
BIO 5600Pharmacology00000
BIO 5440Evolution00000
BIO 5340Genomics and Bioinformatics00000
BIO 5310Cell and Tissue Culture00000