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WP Course Reviews

William Paterson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 4800Seminar00000
CHEM 6012Laboratory Research II00000
CHEM 6010Analysis of Materials00000
CHEM 6002Organic Materials Chemistry00000
CHEM 4990Independent Study00000
CHEM 4610Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 4300Nanochem & Tech00000
CHEM 4220Advance Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 3150Physical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 2570Organic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1600General Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1220Chemistry Of Cuisine00000
CHEM 6013Laboratory Research III00000
CHEM 6009Applications Of Materials00000
CHEM 6004Theoretical and Physical Methods00000
CHEM 6000Graduate Seminar: Research Methods And Literature00000
CHEM 1330Chemistry for Health Sciences00000
CHEM 4440Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 4270Biochemistry00000
CHEM 3200Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 2580Organic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 1620General Chemistry II00000
CHEM 1310College Chemistry00000
CHEM 6011Laboratory Research I00000
CHEM 6008Biomaterials and Polymers00000
CHEM 6001Materials Chemistry: General And Inorganic Perspectives00000
CHEM 4820Senior Research in Chemistry00000
CHEM 4450Modern Methods in Drug Design00000
CHEM 4280Biochemistry II00000
CHEM 4010Analytical Instrumentatn00000
CHEM 3160Physical Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2110Introduction to Instrumental Methods00000