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Wright Course Reviews

Wright State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ME 1040Engineering Design and Solid Modeling53551
ME 1020Engineering Programming with Matlab00000
ME 2120Statics00000
ME 2700Structure and Properties of Materials I00000
ME 3210System Dynamics00000
ME 3350Fluid Dynamics00000
ME 3600LExperimental Measurements and Instrumentation Laboratory00000
ME 3940Mechanical and Materials Engineering Internship I00000
ME 4121Industrial Controls and Automation00000
ME 4150Mechanical Design II00000
ME 4210LMechanical Vibration Laboratory00000
ME 4340Simulation of Thermal-Fluids Problems with Advanced Engineer...00000
ME 4440Aerospace Propulsion00000
ME 4550Geothermal Energy00000
ME 4570Energy Materials00000
ME 4610Thermal-Fluids Science Laboratory00000
ME 4700Structure and Properties of Materials II00000
ME 4730Engineering Ceramics00000
ME 4750Materials Characterization00000
ME 4820Corrosion00000
ME 4850Nano-scale Science and Engineering00000
ME 4870LMachining Laboratory00000
ME 4910Capstone Design I00000
ME 4950Honors Thesis00000
ME 5120Mechanics of Materials00000
ME 5350Fluid Dynamics00000
ME 5760Diffusion and Kinetics00000
ME 6120LFinite Element Analysis Laboratory00000
ME 6180Additive Manufacturing00000
ME 6210LMechanical Vibrations Laboratory00000
ME 6250Kinematics & Design-Mechanisms00000
ME 6340Simulation of Thermal-Fluids Problems with Advanced Engineer...00000
ME 6430Aeronautics00000
ME 6530Energy Conversion00000
ME 6550Geothermal Energy00000
ME 6570Energy Materials00000
ME 6700Structure & Prprts Materials II00000
ME 6730Introduction to Ceramics00000
ME 6750Materials Characterization00000
ME 6770Mechanical Behavior of Metals00000
ME 6830Computational Materials Science00000
ME 6880Powder Processing of Materials00000
ME 7080Multidisciplinary Structural Optimization00000
ME 7160Nonlinear Dynamics & Vibration00000
ME 7300Advanced Fluid Dynamics00000
ME 7500Advanced Thermodynamics00000
ME 7550Photovoltaics00000
ME 7730Advanced Physical Properties00000
ME 7780Ceramics for Advanced Application00000
ME 7980Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue00000
ME 2210Dynamics00000
ME 2700RStructure and Properties of Materials I Recitation00000
ME 3310Thermodynamics I00000
ME 3360Heat Transfer00000
ME 3750Thermodynamics of Materials00000
ME 4010Computational Methods for Mechanical Engineering00000
ME 4121LIndustrial Controls and Automation Lab00000
ME 4170Mechanics of Composites00000
ME 4190Introduction to Engineering Lubrication00000
ME 4240Vehicle Engineering00000
ME 4250Kinematics and Design-Mechanism00000
ME 4350Mechanics of Viscous Fluids00000
ME 4870Machining00000
ME 4920Capstone Design II00000
ME 4980Metrology00000
ME 5210System Dynamics00000
ME 5320Thermodynamics II00000
ME 5750Thermodynamics of Materials00000
ME 6120Finite Element Analysis00000
ME 6150Mechanical Design II00000
ME 6190Introduction to Engineering Lubrication00000
ME 6240Vehicle Engineering00000
ME 6330Compressible Fluid Flow00000
ME 6350Mechanics of Viscous Fluids00000
ME 6440Aerospace Propulsion00000
ME 6540Solar Thermal Engineering00000
ME 6560Wind Power00000
ME 6580Fuel Cell Science and Technology00000
ME 6720Engineering Polymers I00000
ME 6740Materials Selection and Failure Analysis00000
ME 6820Corrosion00000
ME 6850Nano-scale Science and Engineering00000
ME 6980Metrology00000
ME 7100Advanced Mechanics of Solids00000
ME 7210Computational Methods for Structural Dynamics00000
ME 7330Convective Heat & Mass Transfer00000
ME 7520Hydrogen Energy00000
ME 7720Engineering Polymers II00000
ME 7750Advanced Engineering Materials00000
ME 7950Thesis00000
ME 8950PhD Dissertation Research00000
ME 2120RStatics Recitation00000
ME 2600Metallography00000
ME 3120Mechanics of Materials00000
ME 3320Thermodynamics II00000
ME 3600Experimental Measurements and Instrumentation00000
ME 3760Diffusion and Kinetics00000
ME 4120Finite Element Analysis00000
ME 4120LFinite Element Analysis Laboratory00000
ME 4140Mechanical Design I00000
ME 4180Additive Manufacturing00000
ME 4210Mechanical Vibration00000
ME 4330Compressible Fluid Flow00000
ME 4430Aeronautics00000
ME 4530Energy Conversion00000
ME 4540Solar Thermal Engineering00000
ME 4560Wind Power00000
ME 4580Fuel Cell Science and Technology00000
ME 4620Mechanics and Materials Testing Lab00000
ME 4720Engineering Polymers00000
ME 4740Materials Selection and Failure Analysis00000
ME 4770Mechanical Behavior of Metals00000
ME 4830Computational Materials Science00000
ME 4860Metal Forming00000
ME 4880Powder Processing Materials00000
ME 4940Mechanical and Materials Engineering Internship00000
ME 4990Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Materials Sci...00000
ME 5310Thermodynamics I00000
ME 5360Heat Transfer00000
ME 6010Computational Methods for Mechanical Engineering00000
ME 6140Mechanical Design I00000
ME 6170Mechanics of Composites00000
ME 6210Mechanical Vibrations00000
ME 6860Metal Forming00000
ME 7060Structural Reliability00000
ME 7120Finite Element Method Applications00000
ME 7250Advanced Dynamics00000
ME 7340Computational Fluid Dynamics00000
ME 7690Vibration Testing and Machine Health Monitoring00000
ME 7760Transformation of Solids-I00000
ME 7990Independent Study in Mechanical Egr, Materials Science and E...00000