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WSU Tri Cities Course Reviews

Washington State University - Tri-Cities

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOLOGY 140[BSCI] Introduction to Nutritional Science00000
BIOLOGY 210Your Future in Life Sciences00000
BIOLOGY 333[BSCI] Human Nutrition and Health00000
BIOLOGY 390Stream Monitoring00000
BIOLOGY 402[M] Beneficial Microbes in Nature and Society00000
BIOLOGY 438[M] Animal Behavior00000
BIOLOGY 475Systems Biology of Reproduction00000
BIOLOGY 489[CAPS] [M] Synthesis and Communication of Independent Resear...00000
BIOLOGY 545Statistical Genomics00000
BIOLOGY 546Mutualism and Symbiosis00000
BIOLOGY 569[M] Ecosystem Ecology and Global Change00000
BIOLOGY 585Professional Development and Training for College and Univer...00000
BIOLOGY 700Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination00000
BIOLOGY 101[BSCI] Biology of Humans00000
BIOLOGY 105General Biology Laboratory00000
BIOLOGY 301General Genetics00000
BIOLOGY 352Cells00000
BIOLOGY 393[M] Professional Communications in Biology00000
BIOLOGY 403Evolutionary Biology00000
BIOLOGY 420Plant Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 469[M] Ecosystem Ecology and Global Change00000
BIOLOGY 495Internship in Biology, Botany, and Zoology00000
BIOLOGY 540Stable Isotope Theory and Methods00000
BIOLOGY 561Environmental Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 582Professional Communication in Biology - Grant Writing00000
BIOLOGY 600Special Projects or Independent Study00000
BIOLOGY 800Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination00000
BIOLOGY 106[BSCI] Introductory Biology: Organismal Biology00000
BIOLOGY 251Introductory Human Physiology00000
BIOLOGY 340Introduction to Mathematical Biology00000
BIOLOGY 372[M] General Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 401[CAPS] Plants and People00000
BIOLOGY 430Methods of Teaching Secondary Science I00000
BIOLOGY 473[CAPS] [M] Evolution and Society00000
BIOLOGY 499Special Problems00000
BIOLOGY 501Proposal Defense Seminar00000
BIOLOGY 568Conservation Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 576Epigenetics and Systems Biology00000
BIOLOGY 593Seminar I00000
BIOLOGY 102[BSCI] General Biology00000
BIOLOGY 107[BSCI] Introductory Biology: Cell Biology and Genetics00000
BIOLOGY 220Medical Terminology00000
BIOLOGY 330Principles of Conservation00000
BIOLOGY 354Human Anatomy for Health Occupations00000
BIOLOGY 394Medicine as a Career00000
BIOLOGY 408[CAPS] [M] Contemporary Genetics00000
BIOLOGY 446Mutualism and Symbiosis00000
BIOLOGY 476Epigenetics and Systems Biology00000
BIOLOGY 500Seminar00000
BIOLOGY 549Behavioral Ecology00000
BIOLOGY 575Systems Biology of Reproduction00000
BIOLOGY 589Advanced Topics in Biology00000
BIOLOGY 702Master's Special Problems, Directed Study and/or Examination00000