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WSU Course Reviews

Washington State University - Pullman

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HISTORY 305[ROOT] Roots of Contemporary Issues For Transfer Students3.
HISTORY 300[M] Writing about History53441
HISTORY 427[M] Public History: Theory And Methodology00000
HISTORY 483[CAPS] Medicine, Science, and Technology in World History00000
HISTORY 432[Hum] 20Th Century Latin America00000
HISTORY 436[CAPS] Imperialism in the Modern World00000
HISTORY 441The Later Middle Ages, 1050-150000000
HISTORY 445The Reformation00000
HISTORY 450[HUM] [M] Europe Since 194500000
HISTORY 455The Great War 1914 - 192000000
HISTORY 462History of Imperial Russia00000
HISTORY 466History of the Cold War, 1944-present00000
HISTORY 469[M] Seminar in History00000
HISTORY 474[CAPS] Modern South Asia: Community and Conflict00000
HISTORY 477[DIVR] [M] Modern Japanese History00000
HISTORY 479[SSCI] History of East Asian Economic Development Since 194500000
HISTORY 498History Internship00000
HISTORY 421The American West00000
HISTORY 418[HUM] United States, 1914-194500000
HISTORY 416Civil War and Reconstruction00000
HISTORY 413[M] Early American History to 175000000
HISTORY 410History of American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Indian La...00000
HISTORY 398[DIVR] History of Women in the American West00000
HISTORY 390U.S. Military History00000
HISTORY 387World War II in Asia and the Pacific00000
HISTORY 380Introduction to Social Studies Methods00000
HISTORY 373[HUM] Chinese Civilization00000
HISTORY 341[HUM] Ancient Rome00000
HISTORY 340[HUM] Ancient Greece00000
HISTORY 331[HUM] Latin American Cultural History00000
HISTORY 322[DIVR] US Popular Culture Since 193000000
HISTORY 564Comparative Genocide00000
HISTORY 102[HUM] Modern Europe00000
HISTORY 463[M] History of the Soviet Union00000
HISTORY 447[HUM] Europe in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era,...00000
HISTORY 425The City in History00000
HISTORY 337Women in the Ancient World00000
HISTORY 399[DIVR] Lesbian and Gay History: Culture, Politics and Social...00000
HISTORY 800Doctoral Research, Dissertation, and/or Examination00000
HISTORY 700Master's Research, Thesis, and/or Examination00000
HISTORY 598History Internship00000
HISTORY 595The Teaching of History in College00000
HISTORY 578Field Course in Asian History00000
HISTORY 571Topics in World History00000
HISTORY 569Field Course in Modern European History00000
HISTORY 568Hitler and Nazi Germany00000
HISTORY 495[CAPS] Space, Place, and Power in History: Historical Geogra...00000
HISTORY 559Modern Britain00000
HISTORY 554[HUM] Age of Empire: Europe, 1871-191400000
HISTORY 550[HUM] [M] Europe Since 194500000
HISTORY 547[HUM] Europe in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era,...00000
HISTORY 540Seminar in History00000
HISTORY 532[Hum] 20Th Century Latin America00000
HISTORY 530[M] History of Mexico00000
HISTORY 529Interpreting History through Material Culture00000
HISTORY 528Seminar in Public History00000
HISTORY 525Seminar in American History00000
HISTORY 521The American West00000
HISTORY 516Civil War and Reconstruction00000
HISTORY 510Field Course in American History00000
HISTORY 465Representations of the Holocaust00000
HISTORY 386World War II in Europe00000
HISTORY 459Modern Britain00000
HISTORY 454[HUM] Age of Empire: Europe, 1871-191400000
HISTORY 444[CAPS] The Renaissance00000
HISTORY 440[HUM] The Early Middle Ages, 330-105000000
HISTORY 435[CAPS] European Expansion Overseas, 1400-180000000
HISTORY 430[M] History of Mexico00000
HISTORY 422History of the Pacific Northwest00000
HISTORY 419[HUM] United States, 1945-Present00000
HISTORY 417[CAPS] Rise of Modern America00000
HISTORY 414The Era of the American Revolution00000
HISTORY 411The US and the World to World War I00000
HISTORY 409[CAPS] American Environmental History00000
HISTORY 395Topics in History00000
HISTORY 388US and Vietnam00000
HISTORY 464Comparative Genocide00000
HISTORY 374[HUM] Japanese Civilization00000
HISTORY 369[ARTS] Queer Identities in Contemporary Cultures00000
HISTORY 336History of Sexualities00000
HISTORY 335[DIVR] Women in Latin American History00000
HISTORY 321[DIVR] US Popular Culture, 1800 to 193000000
HISTORY 308[DIVR] North American Indian History, Precontact to Present00000
HISTORY 275[DIVR] Introduction to East Asian Culture00000
HISTORY 272[DIVR] Introduction to Middle Eastern History00000
HISTORY 270[DIVR] India: History and Culture00000
HISTORY 232[Arts] The Mexican Revolution And The Arts00000
HISTORY 230[HUM] Introduction to Latin American History00000
HISTORY 130[DIVR] History of Organized Crime in America00000
HISTORY 120[DIVR] World History I00000
HISTORY 110[HUM] American History to 187700000
HISTORY 570World History Theory and Methods00000
HISTORY 273[DIVR] Foundations of Islamic Civilization00000
HISTORY 271[DIVR] Southeast Asian History: Vietnam to Indonesia00000
HISTORY 231[HUM] Latin America, The National Period00000
HISTORY 201Asian Pacific American History00000
HISTORY 150[DIVR] Peoples of the United States00000
HISTORY 121[HUM] World History II00000
HISTORY 111[HUM] American History Since 187700000
HISTORY 105[ROOT] The Roots of Contemporary Issues00000
HISTORY 101[HUM] Classical and Christian Europe00000
HISTORY 702Master's Special Problems, Directed Study, and/or Examinatio...00000
HISTORY 600Special Projects or Independent Study00000
HISTORY 597Seminar in History00000
HISTORY 580Historiography00000
HISTORY 577[DIVR] [M] Modern Japanese History00000
HISTORY 313[SSCI] Black Freedom Struggle00000
HISTORY 527[M] Public History: Theory And Methodology00000
HISTORY 522History of the Pacific Northwest00000
HISTORY 519[HUM] United States, 1945-Present00000
HISTORY 511The US and the World to World War I00000
HISTORY 509Field Course: Foundations in US History00000
HISTORY 499Special Problems00000
HISTORY 497Seminar00000
HISTORY 486United States Foreign Relations00000
HISTORY 480Methods of Teaching Social Studies00000
HISTORY 478[M] The Two Koreas in the Modern World00000
HISTORY 476[M] Revolutionary China, 1800 to Present00000
HISTORY 473The Middle East and the West00000
HISTORY 468Hitler and Nazi Germany00000