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WWU Course Reviews

Western Washington University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EE 111Circuit Analysis I00000
EE 495Directed Research in Electrical Engineering00000
EE 492Project Hardware Design00000
EE 480Control Systems00000
EE 472Energy Project Research and Development00000
EE 460Digital Communication Systems00000
EE 433Digital Signal Processing00000
EE 378Smart and Renewable Power00000
EE 372Electrical Power and Electromechanical Devices00000
EE 360Communication Systems00000
EE 351Electronics for Engineering00000
EE 333Digital System Design00000
EE 320Electronics II00000
EE 310Continuous Systems00000
EE 244Embedded Microcontrollers I00000
EE 220Electronics I00000
EE 110Introduction to Electrical Engineering00000
EE 493Project Software and System Implementation00000
EE 491Project Proposal00000
EE 473Energy Project Implementation00000
EE 471Energy Project Proposal00000
EE 444Embedded Systems00000
EE 400Directed Independent Study00000
EE 374Energy Processing00000
EE 361Signal Propagation00000
EE 352Introduction to Automation and Control00000
EE 344Embedded Microcontrollers II00000
EE 321Electronic Systems00000
EE 311Discrete Systems00000
EE 300Directed Independent Study00000
EE 233Digital Electronics00000
EE 210Circuit Analysis II00000